"Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, which was announced as the most indebted municipality in Turkey," Mayor Mansur Yavaş made statements regarding the debts and service prices of ABB. A press conference was held by the AK Party Provincial Presidency on the grounds that the statements and data announced to the public do not reflect the truth. "HE DID NOT PAY THE FIRST INSTALLMENT BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE RESTRUCTURING"AK Party Deputy Group Chairman Nihat Yalçın stated that Yavaş obtained borrowing authorization of 32 billion from ABB council in 5 years and sold immovables worth 20 billion. Yalçın said that Mansur Yavaş, who requested restructuring from the state for his debt to SGK, did not pay even the first installment and therefore the restructuring file was canceled. Yalçın said, "After the bankruptcy of ABB was certified by the Ministry, Mansur Yavaş had to be accountable to the public for the first time, so desperate, so angry and so panicked. After the loss of altitude, he tried to create perception in the public with many false information and manipulated the truths." "HE TOOK THE AUTHORITY TO USE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WITHOUT PAYING THE SGK DEBT"Yalçın stated that the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Council gave borrowing authorization of 31,971,041,709.73 TL in total 12 times between 2019-2024, and despite this, Mansur Yavaş said that they were obstructed for 5 years. Yalçın said, "You obtained borrowing authorization of 32 billion and sales authorization of 20 billion in 5 years, but they still obstructed, did not work, and do you not feel ashamed to misinform the public with false statements?" "YOU REQUESTED RESTRUCTURING, BUT DID NOT PAY THE FIRST INSTALLMENT OF THE DEBT"In continuation of his words, Yalçın said, "With the law published in the Official Gazette dated March 12, 2023, and numbered 32130, the restructuring you requested could have been made. You already benefited from this by making a request for it. After the first installment was not paid, the restructuring files were canceled, and the municipal companies could not benefit from this right. This approach has also caused damage to the public." Here are the other highlights from AK Party member Nihat Yalçın's statements; 'Speaking about Mansur Yavaş's statements regarding transportation prices, Nihat Yalçın said, "He stated that before us, EGO ticket prices were 1 dollar, but now they are 0.45 dollars, which is 15 lira. However, when Mansur Yavaş took office on April 8, 2019, the EGO ticket price was 2.5 TL. Considering that the exchange rate of that period was 6.28, the EGO ticket price was 0.40 dollars. After the 40% increase you made, the ticket prices became 21 lira. When evaluated in terms of dollars, currently an EGO ticket is 0.64 dollars. I don't know based on which data and how you made the calculation, but aren't you ashamed to misinform the public with false information while promising to reduce transportation costs?' "THE MOST EXPENSIVE WATER TARIFF IS APPLIED IN ANKARA"Mansur Yavaş said that before us, they sold water per cubic meter for 1.6 dollars, but now we sell it for 0.73 dollars. On April 8, 2019, when Mansur Yavaş took over the Municipality, the price of water per cubic meter was 5 TL. Considering that the exchange rate of that date was 6.28 TL, the selling price of water per m3 was 0.79 dollars. Even in the lowest price tariff published on Aski's official website, there is no tariff for 24 liras as Mansur Yavaş stated. July 2024 Aski tariff: 0-15 m3: 25.08 TL / 0.76$ 16-30 m3: 35.13 TL / 1.08$ Above 30 m3: 45.42 TL / 1.37$ According to these data, the average water selling price is 35 lira, which is 1.08 dollars with the current exchange rate. In Ankara, where you used the cheapest water in Turkey when you took office, one of the most expensive water tariffs in the country is currently applied. "ABB IS DRAGGING TOWARDS BANKRUPTCY"After all these lies, there is a clear and definite truth. When Mansur Yavaş took office, the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality's social security premium debt, which was 225 million TL, increased 25.5 times to 5.7 billion lira. ABB is dragging towards bankruptcy with incompetent, incapable, and unqualified staff."