Famous model Bella Hadid announced on her social media account that her family's house in Malibu was completely burned down in the Los Angeles fires. Hadid shared photos of the mansion engulfed in flames and published an emotional message. The house, located in the prestigious Carbon Canyon area of Malibu and purchased for $4.5 million in 2007, was the Hadid family's home for 16 years. Bella's mother, Yolanda Hadid, had carried out extensive renovations for two years after purchasing the house. In her post on Instagram, Bella Hadid stated that she was devastated, saying, "I am grateful for the memories we created in this house, the care my mother took while building the home, and all the beautiful moments we experienced. However, the only thing I can think of right now is my friends who have lost their homes and all their memories." Hadid also announced that she would start fundraising campaigns for families affected by the fire. The famous model stated, "I want to be a source of hope for my friends who have lost their homes and help them in the rebuilding process." In the fires that have been ongoing in Los Angeles for five days, 16 people have lost their lives, and 153,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. Meteorology experts warn that wind speeds could reach up to 130 kilometers per hour in the coming days. Many celebrities in the area have either left the city or moved to luxury hotels.