Çağla Şıkel was recently spotted leaving an entertainment venue with a young man who is rumored to be her new boyfriend. Getting into the car with her alleged boyfriend, who is said to be 15 years younger than her, Şıkel experienced a brief moment of surprise as the flashes went off, but she only managed to smile for the cameras. Şıkel also responded to the claims on social media that her new boyfriend is "15 years younger than her." Sharing a photo of herself on social media, Çağla Şıkel stated regarding the allegations, "Isn't it so easy to write that I have a boyfriend who is 15 years younger without any research or inquiry? If he is 15 years younger, I must be 60." Many of Şıkel's followers also supported her response to the allegations. Some social media users commented, "Everyone has their own life, why does it matter to anyone?"