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Critical Syria meeting between Erdoğan and Putin in Astana.

Critical Syria meeting between Erdoğan and Putin in Astana.

02.07.2024 19:30

President Erdogan will meet with Russian President Putin in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. The Syrian issue will be discussed during the meeting between the two leaders. The recent statements by Syrian leader Assad regarding Turkey and Erdogan's subsequent remarks that "there is no reason not to establish relations with Syria" will be the main agenda item of the meeting. The Kremlin's statement regarding the meeting stated that "all important and sensitive issues will be addressed."

Kremlin Foreign Policy Advisor Yuri Ushakov announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will discuss all important and sensitive issues during their bilateral meeting in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. It is learned that the most important issue in the meeting will be the Syrian issue.

Ushakov provided information to journalists in Moscow about Putin's bilateral meetings to be held within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Heads of State Summit, which will be held in Astana on July 3-4.

Critical Syria meeting in Astana by Erdogan and Putin


Ushakov shared the information that Russian President will have separate meetings with the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Mongolia on July 3, in addition to the SCO Summit. Ushakov said about Putin's meeting with President Erdogan, "A visit to Turkey has been planned for a long time. I think the two leaders will discuss this issue. In addition, considering Turkey's position, I think there are many issues that the leaders of countries that play a very important role in the region will discuss. We are in constant dialogue with the Turkish side, there are constant contacts by phone. Putin recently received the Turkish Foreign Minister. All important and sensitive issues will be discussed in the meeting."


The most important issue that President Erdogan and Russian leader Putin will bring up is the Syrian issue. In the normalization process that started between Turkey and Syria and then between other state institutions, no rapid and significant progress has been made so far. On the other hand, the message given by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his meeting with Putin's Special Envoy Alexander Lavrentiev in recent days, and then the positive statements made by President Erdogan brought the issue back to the agenda.

Critical Syria meeting in Astana by Erdogan and Putin


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made statements regarding the Syria-Turkey relations in his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin's Special Envoy Alexander Lavrentiev. It was stated that Assad said in the meeting, "Syria is open to all initiatives regarding Syria-Turkey relations, based on the fight against terrorism and terrorist organizations, which are based on the sovereignty of the country over all its territories."

Lavrentiev stated that they support all initiatives regarding Turkey-Syria relations and said, "We see that the conditions are more suitable than ever for the success of mediations. Russia is ready to work to advance the negotiations. The aim is to re-establish relations between Syria and Turkey."

Critical Syria meeting in Astana by Erdogan and Putin


President Erdogan answered journalists' questions after Friday prayers a few days ago. Erdogan responded to a question about Assad's statements, saying, "There is no reason not to establish relations with Syria. In other words, we will act together as we did in the past to develop these relations with Syria. We never have any intention or goal to interfere in Syria's internal affairs."

Erdogan said, "The Syrian people are a community that we have lived together as brotherly nations. Just as we have kept our relations with Syria very lively in the past, you know that we had meetings with Mr. Assad as a family. It is absolutely impossible for it not to happen again."

Critical Syria meeting in Astana by Erdogan and Putin


On the evening of June 30, incidents occurred in the Melikgazi district of Kayseri after a 5-year-old girl was sexually abused by a foreign national. Provocative incidents also spread to the areas controlled by the Turkish army through the Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring Operations in Syria. In the shared videos on social media, it was seen that provocateurs tried to enter the building used by the Turkish army and the soldiers tried to disperse the demonstrators by firing shots into the air. The cameras also captured the stoning of trucks going from Turkey to Syria and vehicles with Turkish license plates.

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