The legendary figure of Arabesque music, 79-year-old Ferdi Tayfur, passed away on Thursday evening at the hospital where he was receiving treatment. Following his death, changes were made to Tayfur's funeral program, which deeply saddened his fans. HE WILL BE BURIED IN YENIKOY CEMETERYAccording to a statement made by Recep Ergül, the President of the Turkish Musicians' Rights Organization (MESAM), a funeral ceremony will be held today at the Atatürk Cultural Center for the master artist. Tayfur's funeral will take place after the prayer at Levent Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa Mosque in the afternoon, and he will be laid to rest in Yeniköy Cemetery. THE MOSQUE WAS CHANGED DUE TO EXPECTED HIGH ATTENDANCETayfur's press advisor Şirin Gözalıcı made a new statement regarding the funeral ceremony on her social media account. Gözalıcı stated in her post, "Correction. Due to high attendance, the funeral prayer for Mr. Ferdi Tayfur will be held at Levent Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa Mosque after the memorial ceremony." In a previous statement, it was mentioned, "After the memorial ceremony for Mr. Ferdi Tayfur, which will be held on Saturday at 12:00 at the Atatürk Cultural Center, the funeral prayer will be held at Emirgan Çınaraltı Mosque, and he will be buried in the family cemetery in Yeniköy after the afternoon prayer." CAUSE OF FERDI TAYFUR'S DEATHIt was reported that 79-year-old artist Ferdi Tayfur, who was receiving treatment at a hospital in Antalya, passed away due to liver and kidney failure. A written statement was made regarding the artist's death by the Chief Physician of Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex. The statement indicated that the artist was brought to the hospital by military aircraft on December 16 and underwent surgery for sinus cleaning due to a previously developed fungal infection. It included the following remarks: "After the surgery, our artist's health condition was improving; however, unfortunately, he was admitted to intensive care due to rapidly progressing liver and kidney failure yesterday afternoon. Despite ongoing intensive treatment and all efforts of his doctors, our artist passed away at 19:38. As Medical Park Hospitals, we are deeply saddened to inform his fans that the beloved artist of Turkish music, Mr. Ferdi Tayfur, has left us due to liver and kidney failure."