While the question "Will there be an early election in Turkey?" is being wondered about, the results of the polls continue to be closely monitored. Recently, Area Research published a survey. In the survey, citizens were asked who should be the main opposition candidate against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Mansur Yavaş ranked first with 35.2%, while Ekrem İmamoğlu remained at 17.8%. 34.6% of the participants responded with "I have no opinion." RESULTS CAUGHT ATTENTIONOverall, among those who participated in the survey, 52.9% preferred Mansur Yavaş over Erdoğan, while Ekrem İmamoğlu appeared to be ahead of President Erdoğan with 46.1%. It was noted that Özgür Özel was leading Erdoğan by 39.3% in their race. CONTROVERSIAL COMMENT FROM FATIH ALTAYLIA highly discussed comment regarding the survey result came from Fatih Altaylı. On his YouTube channel, Altaylı stated about Mansur Yavaş's leading position in the polls, "His votes are high before the election period, but then they decrease. Ekrem İmamoğlu is a more political figure." "İMAMOĞLU'S VOTES INCREASE WHEN HE GOES TO THE SQUARES"Altaylı, who said, "It is not surprising that Mansur Yavaş appears to be ahead, but this is the situation of Yavaş before the election period and before going to the squares," added, "In the measurements of 2020, I had personally requested from Faruk Acar. Mansur Yavaş started with 66%. When Yavaş goes to the squares, his votes decrease, while Ekrem İmamoğlu's votes increase when he goes to the squares." "YAVAŞ'S VOTES WILL FALL WHEN HE GOES TO THE RALLY"Altaylı suggested that Mansur Yavaş's votes would fall when he goes to the rally, stating, "Ekrem İmamoğlu is also close to reaching 56%, that is, those rates. Mansur Yavaş's performance in the squares is not good. We saw it in the concert issue; he was very tense. I don't think he is a bad person or a bad candidate, but Ekrem İmamoğlu is a more political type, while Mansur Bey is more of a gentleman."