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Here is the first defense of that murderer! He complained about the man he beat to death because he asked for water.

Here is the first defense of that murderer! He complained about the man he beat to death because he asked for water.

12.09.2024 15:01

According to the claim in Kahramanmaraş, a young man was beaten to death with a stick following an argument that arose because he allegedly asked for too much water. Despite the existence of footage of the incident, the suspect who carried out the attack reportedly stated in his statement to the police, "I did not hit anyone with a stick. The person asked for water. He didn't like the water given to him. He attacked and assaulted us. I am the plaintiff and complainant."

Last Friday, an incident occurred in Kahramanmaras, where Mesut Kazanci allegedly went to the Small Industrial Site with his car and asked for water from a business, stating that he was extremely thirsty. A person working at a metal factory gave Kazanci a glass of water. After drinking the water, Kazanci asked for another bottle of water. The person who gave him water refused his request, and an argument ensued. The argument quickly turned into a fight with sticks, and Kazanci, who was beaten with sticks, was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. After a 2-day struggle for life, the young citizen passed away in the hospital.


As a result of the investigation conducted by the security forces, Gül Ahmet I., one of the suspects, was arrested, while the other suspect, Erman N., was released on judicial control to be tried without detention. The statements of the suspects have been revealed. They stated that they were the plaintiffs and complainants of the young man they killed.


In the statement of the suspect Gül Ahmet I., who was arrested on charges of killing Mesut Kazanci with a stick, it was claimed that "while I was there for the sale of my car, a person came in front of the business and asked for water from the owner of the business, Erman N. The owner of the business gave the person water from a small bottle. However, the person did not accept this water and asked for a 5-liter bottle of water, then he attacked the owner of the business. Later, he entered the business. The person continued to beat Erman N. by strangling his neck. At that moment, me and other employees in the business tried to separate them and saved Erman N. from the person's hands. Then, in order to stop the person, we held him and told him to drink water from the hose outside the business. The person took the hose in his hand and started attacking us by swinging it. While he was attacking, the hose got tangled around him and he suddenly fell to the ground. While he was on the ground, he was breathing in different ways. Thinking that he had a medical condition, we called the ambulance team by dialing 112 and requested an ambulance. The person was taken to the hospital with the ambulance that arrived at the scene. I think that the person had taken some substance or alcohol before the incident because I do not think that a normal person would come to the front of a business where 6-7 people were present and attack with the intention of beating. I definitely did not beat the person. I do not accept the accusation against me. I am the plaintiff and complainant against the person who beat me with the hose, whose name I do not know and whom I did not know before."


Erman N., on the other hand, stated that "while we were working in the business, a person came to the front of my business and asked for water from us. I told my employees to bring 1.5 liters of water. However, the person asked for a 5-liter bottle of water. I told him to bring it if he had a 5-liter bottle of water. After that, the person started attacking me by touching his nose with his hand. I ran into the business. The person followed me into the business and hit me on the head with a piece of wood and knocked me down. Then he continued to hit me with the wood while standing on top of me, and the employees took the person off me. Thinking that the person had a medical condition or had taken some substance, I told my employees to sit the person somewhere, but the person continued to exhibit aggressive behavior. Then, the person took the hose that was in the business and open, and started spraying water around. The person started attacking left and right. Then, the person got tangled in the hose and fell to the ground. After the person fell to the ground, I saw that he had difficulty breathing and called 112 to request an ambulance and police team. The person was taken to the hospital with the ambulance that arrived at the scene. I did not beat the person in the incident. The person was injured by getting tangled in the hose. I am the plaintiff and complainant against the person who beat me."

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