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Is Demet Şener getting married for the third time? Denial came.

Is Demet Şener getting married for the third time? Denial came.

27.06.2024 18:13

The statement of Demet Şener, who has been in a relationship with businessman Tolga Arman for a long time, celebrating with an engagement ring confused people. Şener, who is thought to be preparing to sit at the wedding table for the third time, stated that she was misunderstood and said, "We celebrated our 35th month, we are sincerely married."

The mother of two children, Demet Şener, who divorced Ibrahim Kutluay in a controversial manner, is in a relationship with Tolga Arman, who works in the logistics sector. It was claimed that she received a marriage proposal because of the ring on her finger, which she shared photos celebrating with her boyfriend. Şener, who quickly became the agenda, denied it.


Şener, who has been wearing an engagement ring for a while, shared her photos with Arman on her Instagram account the other day and wrote the note "Of course, some celebrations were made last night." When it was thought that the famous person received a marriage proposal because of the ring on her finger, she immediately responded. Şener, who stated that she was misunderstood, said in her post, "So much has been written that I had to make a correction. I didn't receive a marriage proposal, we just celebrated our 35th month. If something like that happened, I would write 'I said yes' or something. Those who follow me know that. I always share these monthly celebrations. Besides, we are married in our hearts, I always say that."

Demet Şener, who was married to Ibrahim Kutluay from 2005 to 2018, got married to businessman Cenk Küpeli in 2019 and divorced in 2021.

Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came
Demet Şener, is she getting married for the third time? Denial came

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