After endless complaints and reports, the Competition Authority had launched an investigation into 21 management companies and casting agencies. Following this, actors made consecutive confessions and shared their experiences in the art world. Serenay Sarıkaya, who works for the acting agency owned by Ayşe Barım, also came to the fore with allegations of a publicity romance. It was claimed that the relationship between the famous actress Sarıkaya and singer Mert Demir was not real, and that a businessman had given 5 million dollars to the couple through Barım for a publicity romance. THOSE WORDS ARE ONCE AGAIN ON THE AGENDAWhile the repercussions of the incident continue, the words of Ahmet Kural, who once had a romance with Sıla Gençoğlu, have come back to the agenda. On October 29, 2018, Ahmet Kural was sentenced to 1 year, 4 months, and 20 days in prison for having inflicted violence on his then-girlfriend Sıla Gençoğlu at his home in Zekeriyaköy. Sıla's lawyer stated, "We are happy that justice has been served, albeit late," while Ahmet Kural made a striking statement saying, "I could never explain to my heart that I was part of a project." THE BOMB WAS DROPPED BY AHMET KURALAfter the Ayşe Barım incident broke out, Ahmet Kural's statements from that time began to be shared with the note, "Actually, Ahmet Kural dropped the Ayşe Barım bomb on time."