The rating record-breaking series "Kızılcık Şerbeti," featuring masterful performances by Evrim Alasya, Sıla Türkoğlu, Doğukan Güngör, and Barış Kılıç, drew attention in its latest episode by highlighting social issues. The series delivered important messages about the increasing violence and harassment incidents through the experiences of Narin Güran and İkbal Uzuner. ON SOCIAL MEDIA'S AGENDAIn the latest episode, the scene where the characters Kıvılcım and Sönmez discuss social issues such as the unexplained death of Narin Güran, the murder of İkbal Uzuner and Ayşenur Halil, and the harassment of a young woman by two men on the street received great appreciation from social media users. Meanwhile, the rise in violence against women, children, and animals, as well as concerns about the safety of many individuals, were once again brought to light.