One of the most-watched programs in the daytime slot, the program "Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert," was marked by a person named Umut who kidnapped a 13-year-old girl in the latest episode. "MR. PROSECUTOR, IT'S NOT OUR PLACE TO SAY..."Müge Anlı expressed that she couldn't understand how the person was able to kidnap a 13-year-old child and then be released, saying, "I still don't understand how they let you go, Mr. Prosecutor, it's not our place to say, but how is this child not inside? This situation has nothing to do with the law I learned," she lamented. "HOW DO THEY REMAIN WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION?"When Müge Anlı heard that the person named Umut was staying in unregistered hostels with the kidnapped girl, she reacted by saying, "So how do they remain without identification? Who is allowing them to be without identification? Because this complicates the police's job... Are the places you are staying in behaving illegally? These places should be identified and shut down? The child next to you is 13 years old. You cannot take a 13-year-old child away," expressing her outrage.