The famous showman Okan Bayülgen, who has frequently made headlines with the television programs he hosts, recently drew attention with his remarks regarding wealth. "THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR WEALTHY PEOPLE LIKE ME"In recent years, Bayülgen, who has been meeting his fans on theater stages, emphasized during a television program he appeared on that standards have changed, stating, "There's nothing left for wealthy people like me." "WEALTHY PEOPLE ARE IN A GREAT DEPRESSION"The 60-year-old showman stated that instead of chasing money, he leads a peaceful life by doing the things he loves, saying, "I am happy right now. I am doing the things I love, I can reject the things I don't like. I am not chasing money. The world standards have changed a lot now. When you ask, 'What should I buy?', it feels like you will have to buy things that only tasteless people would buy. The whole world is like that! The happiness tools offered are aimed at oligarchs. There is nothing that a sophisticated, cultured person can buy with their money. You understand this if you have really good wealthy friends. Wealthy people are in a great depression, just like me," he expressed. "EVERYTHING IS FOR THE PEASANTS; THEY'VE TURNED PEOPLE INTO MONKEYS"Giving examples about tastelessness and wealth, Bayülgen continued his remarks as follows: "There is nothing to buy. Everything is for the peasants. I am serious. What is it to dock boats side by side and measure them with a tape measure? What is it to measure a mansion with a tape measure? They have turned people into monkeys by saying, 'I will drink the most expensive thing, I will wear the most expensive thing.' There is nothing left for wealthy people like me. Very sophisticated things... We now need to start collecting historical books. The world really does not offer things to people like it did 20 years ago. This person is wealthy; they dress like this, they adorn themselves like that, they vacation here, there is nothing original about it."