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President Erdogan: We may have an invitation for Bashar al-Assad.

President Erdogan: We may have an invitation for Bashar al-Assad.

05.07.2024 15:11

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan answered journalists' questions on the plane after the 24th Summit of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Astana. Regarding the meeting with Bashar al-Assad, Erdogan stated, "We may have an invitation for Mr. Putin and Bashar al-Assad. Peace winds blowing in Syria and a peaceful climate that will be revived throughout Syria are necessary for millions of people scattered in various countries to return to their homelands."

President Erdogan has completed his visit to Kazakhstan, which he made on the occasion of the 24th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Astana. Answering journalists' questions on his way back to the country, Erdogan spoke about many topics such as his meeting with Putin, Turkey-Syria relations, and allegations of irregularities in CHP municipalities, and gave important messages.


QUESTION - I would like to ask about the process of restarting the Turkey-Russia-Syria and Iran 4-party talks. In this context, you said, "We have no reason not to establish diplomatic relations with Syria again." What conditions need to be met or what developments need to take place for you to meet with Bashar al-Assad?"

President Erdogan's statement 'There may be an invitation to Assad with Putin'


We can start a new process with Syria, as I mentioned on Friday after the Friday prayer. We may have an invitation to Mr. Putin and Bashar al-Assad. If Mr. Putin can visit Turkey, this can be the beginning of a new process. The years that have passed in Syria have clearly shown that a permanent solution mechanism is needed. It is essential for Syria, which has lost its infrastructure and its people have been devastated, to stand up again and end the instability. The tranquility achieved in the field recently can open the door to peace with smart policies, unbiased approaches, and solution-oriented approaches. The instability in the region providing a safe haven for terrorist organizations, especially the PKK/PYD/YPG, is a problem.

President Erdogan's statement 'There may be an invitation to Assad with Putin'


It is important to eradicate these terrorist structures hand in hand without discrimination for the construction of Syria's democratic infrastructure and the establishment of an inclusive and honorable peace, and all of these should be approached based on the territorial integrity of Syria. Peace winds blowing in Syria and a climate of peace that will come to life throughout Syria are also necessary for millions of people scattered in various countries to return to their countries. We have always extended our friendship hand to our neighbor Syria and we will continue to do so. We will always be with a prosperous, united, and whole Syria embracing each other based on a fair, honorable, and inclusive new social contract. As long as Syria starts this great embrace and recovers in all areas.

President Erdogan's statement 'There may be an invitation to Assad with Putin'


QUESTION - We witnessed simultaneous provocations in Kayseri and northern Syria. Is the situation completely under control in northern Syria? Can there be a meeting between Ankara and Damascus? Does the normalization between Turkey and Syria bother some countries? How can progress be made in the voluntary and willing return of Syrians in Turkey to their countries? Are there countries that do not want this?


It is not the countries but organizations like the PKK/PYD/YPG and ISIS that are uncomfortable. It turns out that they do not want such a meeting and for Syria to stand up again. However, as you know, there are many structures in northern Syria. There are also those who want to improve their relations with Turkey rapidly among them. Indeed, after these incidents in northern Syria started, Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government Abdurrahman Mustafa intervened and quickly turned these negative developments into positive ones. In Turkey, thanks to the rapid intervention of our security forces in the incident in Kayseri, the situation calmed down and we achieved a positive result as soon as possible. Even though such short-term situations may arise in our country, we do not allow them to prolong. Structures that are against terrorist organizations in Syria also do not allow such a situation. Those who aim to create racist movements and disrupt the atmosphere of brotherhood in Turkey are trying to fulfill the instructions they receive from dark centers. However, we know very well how to break these games and how to break them. We do not allow those who plan chaos based on a despicable incident. Our state has done and is doing what is necessary in the incident in Kayseri. We do not allow anyone to put themselves in the place of the state's law enforcement, judiciary, and government. They may think that their sinister plans are strong, but our unity, solidarity, and togetherness are capable of breaking all the games.

President Erdogan's statement 'There may be an invitation to Assad with Putin'


QUESTION - You are the only leader who maintains an open and positive relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin within the NATO Alliance. Thanks to this relationship, important steps have been taken in many issues, including the grain crisis. Therefore, the world's eyes were on your meeting with Putin in Astana. After the meeting, you said that "a fair peace is possible" regarding Ukraine. Do you think there will be promising steps towards peace? You gave strong messages about cooperation with Russia. What kind of process do you expect? What are Russia's expectations from Turkey? Does Putin plan to escalate or de-escalate the tension regarding Ukraine? What impression did you get?


We have been meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky since the first day the clashes started. In these meetings, we had the opportunity to discuss where our mediation could lead and how much influence it could have. Indeed, today, in my meeting with Russian President Putin, we discussed the issue of mediation again.

Especially, we have made a great start regarding the Black Sea Grain Corridor. As you know, we have transported 30 million tons of grain through the corridor. I asked them how they approach the idea of creating a corridor through Turkey to Africa and other sensitive regions in terms of food security, leaving aside grain shipments to the West, as they insist. Mr. Putin responded, "I still maintain the goal of Istanbul Grain Initiative in this regard." It would be beneficial for us to develop this. Because Putin has a different view towards Europe. In this process, since Europe has targeted Russia, Russia also has a negative view towards Europe and the West. He says, "They will not benefit from my capabilities." As for Africa, they have the approach of "I will mobilize all my resources because they are poor." They already put Turkey in a different place in this regard. Therefore, we will continue our negotiations within this framework. For now, we will work on how much progress we can make in the Russian leg of the corridor and what kind of support they can provide us. I believe that we will revive the Black Sea Grain Corridor again with the result we will achieve in this regard. This war does not bring victory to either Russia or Ukraine. The only winners of the war are the merchants of blood and death. I want to believe that the tension will be reduced and a foundation for peace can be built. We are ready to do our part to establish and maintain that foundation, just as we have done so far.


QUESTION- You have made statements about an operation to be carried out within the scope of the fight against terrorism in the summer months. Currently, the Turkish Armed Forces and the National Intelligence Organization are conducting very successful pinpoint operations. Is military operation still on the agenda? It was said that Iraq could support the operation within the framework of the new process that has just started in Iraq. Is there such a possibility?


As of now, this will be determined by the course of events in the region. It would be wrong to say that we will take such a step before the developments mature and reach a certain point. However, if such a step is necessary in light of the developments, it will be taken. Indeed, strikes are occasionally carried out against the PKK in northern Iraq, just as in northern Syria. Recently, 12-13 PKK members were neutralized. On the other hand, 15 PKK members were neutralized. We will not tolerate terrorism. Because our relations are good there as well. We are ready to take these steps in both Iraq and Syria because our relations are good. Our security forces are ready to act. We make instant decisions and implement them according to the extent of the threat. We continue to explain to our counterparts that terrorism is a boil that hinders peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region. Our recent trip to Iraq also included discussions in this regard. Our colleagues are in constant contact with their counterparts. We are saying something clear and we will not step back from it. We have not allowed and will never allow a terrorist state to be established in our region.


QUESTION- Turkey has been conducting a process as a dialogue partner in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for 12 years. You have also participated in the summits and always had a place at the organization's working table. Does Turkey have a perspective of membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, what can you say about the process?


When we look at the structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it is clear that Russia has relations with the Turkic States. The organization mainly consists of Turkic states. We say let's further develop our relations with Russia and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We want to be included in the organization as a member, not as a dialogue partner like others. Iran finally joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In addition to that, Pakistan is a member there. Currently, there are 9 permanent members. There is no reason why Turkey cannot be among these countries, this may take some time.


QUESTION- NATO Secretary General has changed, Mark Rutte took over. It is known that you have good relations with him. Will this relationship contribute to overcoming Turkey's problems within NATO? It was mentioned that a Turkish person would be the second person in NATO, is there any development in this regard? Will such a person be appointed, and if so, who will Turkey prefer?


We discussed these with Mr. Rutte. When Rutte visited me, I told him about this expectation. He did not have a negative approach, in fact, he had an approach that it would be appropriate for Turkey. He told me that he would visit Turkey before fully assuming his duties. I told him that "I would be pleased". We even took a Bosphorus trip with former Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. We invited him for a Bosphorus trip. We express Turkey's expectations from NATO at every opportunity. It is important to strengthen the unity, coherence, and solidarity spirit of the Alliance and enrich it. Especially in global issues we face, such as terrorism, it is necessary to act with an understanding that serves the security and interests of NATO countries. Turkey has been fighting terrorism indiscriminately for years. It is unfortunate that our allies, contrary to the spirit of unity of NATO, leave us alone, even encourage terrorist organizations. We will continue to share our views on these issues with Mr. Rutte. We will explain what we think, what we propose, and what we have done in all platforms, including the NATO Summit, with our allies in all the challenges we face.


QUESTION- After the statements about the Third World War from NATO and Russia, there were also statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense regarding the danger of the Third World War. What is your comment on such a danger? Was this issue discussed in your meeting with Mr. Putin? Was the issue of nuclear weapons, which is on the world's agenda, discussed in your meeting with Mr. Putin and at the summit?


Unfortunately, there are countries and groups in the West who provoke this matter. They have an approach that fuels the Third World War. The arms dealers need a market. The market for arms dealers is the West. In this regard, Mr. Putin stated in his recent remarks that he is in favor of peace. Because there is fatigue on both sides. We also asked them, "When will we achieve peace?"They are at the point of "there is no time for this, the whole point is for mediators like you to put their weight here." We are now trying to put our weight. Our hope is that this war between Russia and Ukraine will come to an end. We continue, we follow. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hakan Fidan, and our Minister of National Defense, Mr. Yaşar Güler, are following this issue. Our hope is to reach a result as soon as possible. Our theses of "The world is bigger than five" and "A fairer world is possible" are concrete solutions we put forward to dispel this negative atmosphere and eliminate the risk of a major war. It is still possible to implement them. What we need to do is to revise the global system, ensure that everyone complies with international law without discrimination, eliminate terrorism with a comprehensive understanding, and implement a global sharing system based on justice and fairness.


QUESTION - Has the use of the Greek Cypriot side as a military and logistics base by Israel and supporting countries become a threat to the TRNC and Turkey, especially our rights in the Mediterranean? Do you have a message regarding this on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation?


New developments are taking place in the process that started with Israel's attacks on Palestine. Hamas accepted the draft proposal for a ceasefire with a few changes. The head of MOSSAD will go to Doha. US President Biden will also call Netanyahu regarding the issue. At this stage, it is necessary for Western countries to put pressure on Israel together. As a result of these pressures, I believe that a definite ceasefire will be reached. We discussed these issues with the Emir of Qatar in our meeting. They are also exerting the necessary pressure through different channels. Our hope is that a definite ceasefire will be reached within the next few days as a result of US President Biden's call to Israel, and thus the massacres committed by Israel in recent times will come to an end. As for the other issue, can Israel achieve results with the build-up it made within its own borders? Will it achieve results with the build-up it made in the Greek Cypriot side of Cyprus? When did these attacks start, has Israel been able to achieve the desired result since then? No, they haven't. They used to say that they would "finish the job within a week, within 15 days." They couldn't achieve the result. Any steps that will spread fire in the region should be avoided.


QUESTION - During the process you mentioned as a softening in politics, did you invite the CHP Chairman to visit the TRNC together? Did you receive an official response? Would you invite him to the Presidential plane? Is there such a dialogue?


We sincerely wanted to achieve a softening in politics and meet the expectations of our people in this regard. We put forward our offer to go to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus together. After our offer, they announced that they will go with their own plane. In this regard, we will go to the TRNC with the Chairman of the MHP, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli. We may go to Cyprus one day in advance. As you know, it gets scorching hot in Northern Cyprus on July 20th. Our brothers and sisters in Cyprus can tolerate the scorching heat only to a certain extent. President of the TRNC, Mr. Ersin Tatar, came up with a proposal to come one day in advance and spend the night here, and then hold the ceremonies at around 9 in the morning. We said "it is appropriate." Now we are preparing ourselves accordingly.


QUESTION - There are allegations of nepotism, favoritism, and irregularities in CHP-run municipalities. CHP Chairman Özgür Özel said on a television channel that there is no such thing. There are layoffs and difficulties in receiving salaries for workers in CHP-run municipalities. What are your thoughts on this?


Does a thief say "I am a thief"? Or does he say "I stole"? Now, will Özgür Özel say "what do you mean, of course we will appoint our friends" for these buddy appointments? Their predecessors said, "shall we appoint from the CHP or from the MHP?" They have come to the same point now. Nothing has changed. Just recently, there was a serious corruption in a municipality in Manisa. You know, there was corruption there, and the mayor was removed as a result of this corruption. It is possible for other municipalities to follow suit. Because this is their habit. These are buddies, cronies. From Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality to Ankara and Izmir, it is the same. Many citizens have been fired from their jobs. We have seen many people crying at the door of the municipality. No one can hide the truth from our people. No one can put pink curtains in front of the eyes of the people with PR works, advertisements, and virtual world games. The truth has a habit of eventually coming out. The glimmer of glittering words quickly fades away, and only the plain truth remains. And that is what is happening now. What the CHP has done in the past is a guarantee of what they will do.


QUESTION - June inflation figures have been announced. Inflation came below market expectations, recording the lowest monthly inflation in a year. Annual inflation also declined for the first time in 8 months. This picture indicates that the de-inflation process envisaged by the economic program that started after the May 2023 elections has begun as planned. What do you say about both the continuation of the economic program and how inflation will progress in the future? Can a new step be taken in monetary policy according to the inflation figures for July and August?


We predicted a period for the transition to de-inflation last year. Because last year, we were facing extraordinary conditions due to the earthquake. It takes time for monetary policy to be effective. Additional efforts were needed in fiscal policy. That's why we said de-inflation will start after May 2024. Indeed, a decrease in annual inflation started in June, but in July, I mean I say low 60s, but it is not possible to predict. It will probably be a low 60s figure. In August, it will be a low 50s figure again. And probably, most likely, when the September inflation is announced, it may be just below 50. Our policy is based on this framework. Last year, we had a serious current account deficit problem. This year, it is no longer a problem. It will decrease from around 6% of national income to around 2% this year, in terms of the ratio to national income. We have made significant progress in terms of reserves. Our gross reserves are around 145 billion dollars. And our net reserves, excluding swaps, have exceeded 10 billion dollars. Since the March elections, the improvement in net reserves, excluding swaps, is almost around 80 billion dollars.A truly unprecedented improvement, there is a confidence. Therefore, external balance has ceased to be a source of concern. Our country's risk premium is falling 10 times faster compared to similar countries. As of today, it is around 263 basis points. Turkey's 2-year bond yields have decreased by 1000 basis points in the last 3 months, after the local elections. Especially after these recent inflation figures, interest rates started to decline. Yesterday, both our 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year interest rates decreased. Also, the bond yields we export abroad decreased by 50 basis points after the local elections. So, the risk premium is decreasing, interest rates are decreasing, and our credit rating is truly improving, the current account deficit is narrowing, and we are improving the balance in the budget. Therefore, we need a little patience. The decrease in inflation has just begun. It will continue to accelerate. We believe. These goals may seem ambitious at first, but we truly believe that we will achieve them. Our program is working. They said there was no program at first, then they said this program wouldn't work, then they said money is coming but it's hot money. They are constantly focusing on a handle, a mistake. Of course, we have problems, but there is a strong political will to solve these problems. Our biggest problem is the high cost of living. The most unfair tax is inflation. Therefore, the greatest favor we will do to our low-income earners, minimum wage earners, and retirees is to permanently reduce inflation back to single digits without populism. To permanently increase the welfare level of our citizens. Hopefully, with Allah's permission, we will enter the final quarter having resolved this issue.

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