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South Korea Says Will Reconsider Issue Of Arms Supply To Ukraine

20.06.2024 14:12

Remarks come in reaction to new partnership treaty between North Korea and Russia.

South Korea on Thursday said it will reconsider the issue of arms supply to Ukraine after arch-rival North Korea and Russia inked a new partnership treaty, Yonhap news agency reported on Thursday.

A presidential official said Seoul will maintain strategic ambiguity regarding the types of weapons. "Specific measures will be revealed later, and it will be interesting to see how Russia responds, rather than revealing our plans in advance," the official told reporters.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un this week, and the two countries signed a treaty that involves a mutual pledge to provide immediate military assistance if one of them is attacked.

National security adviser Chang Ho-jin also expressed regret over the treaty, saying any cooperation that directly or indirectly aids North Korea's military enhancement is a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and vowed to take corresponding measures.

"We plan to reconsider the issue of arms support to Ukraine," Chang said, suggesting a shift in South Korea's policy of not providing lethal aid to Ukraine, where Russia continues its "special military operation" since February 2022.

South Korea, a Western ally, will also impose additional sanctions on four ships, five organizations and eight individuals involved in the transfer of weapons and oil between Russia and North Korea, the official added. -

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