01.08.2024 15:30
The Israeli media, which published an analysis on the reasons for the assassination taking place in Tehran, stated that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh also visited countries like Turkey and Egypt, but the fact that the assassination took place in Tehran indicated that the Tel Aviv government was wary of President Erdogan. The analysis emphasized that President Erdogan's recent military intervention warning had an impact on this decision, and it was noted that the assassination sent a message that Iran was not untouchable.
The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot published an analysis titled "Killing two birds with one stone" on why Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was targeted in Iran instead of Qatar.
The analysis mentioned that Haniyeh, the head of Hamas' political bureau, frequently visited countries such as Qatar, Turkey, and Egypt in addition to living in exile in Qatar. It stated that the assassination in Tehran was intended to humiliate the Iranian regime on an international level.
The article by Itamar Eichner argued that Israel had promised not to target Hamas leaders in Qatar, thus limiting the options for the assassination. The analysis suggested that Israel refrained from similar actions in Turkey to avoid getting into trouble with President Erdogan, who recently mentioned the possibility of military intervention. The article claimed that choosing Tehran was a message to both Hamas and Turkey, indicating that no one is untouchable.
The analysis in Yediot Ahronot portrayed the assassination as a challenge from Israel to Iran. It argued that Iran has been intoxicated with power since it fired missiles and kamikaze drones at Israel for the first time in April, and it reminded readers of the statements made by Iranian Intelligence Minister Ismail Hatib days before the assassination. Hatib claimed that dismantling the Mossad network in Iran was his greatest achievement during his tenure, but now he is being mocked by regime opponents.
Speaking at a meeting of the AK Party Rize Provincial Organization, President Erdogan said, "We must be very strong so that Israel cannot do this to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh and Libya, we can do the same to them. There is nothing stopping us. We just need to be strong enough to take these steps."