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The 5th day of the Sinan Ateş murder case! The judge expelled Mahmut Tanal, a member of the Republican People's Party (CHP), from the courtroom.

The 5th day of the Sinan Ateş murder case! The judge expelled Mahmut Tanal, a member of the Republican People's Party (CHP), from the courtroom.

05.07.2024 11:10

The fifth hearing of the trial with 22 defendants regarding the murder of Sinan Ateş is being held today. The defendants, their lawyers, the plaintiff Ayşe Ateş, and her relatives attended the hearing in Ankara. CHP Şanlıurfa Deputy Mahmut Tanal, who was removed from the courtroom yesterday after a heated argument, was also removed from the courtroom today by the presiding judge.

The fifth session of the trial with 22 defendants regarding the murder of Former Idealist Hearths Education and Culture Foundation President and Hacettepe University Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Ateş has started.

The trial, held at the 32nd Heavy Penal Court in the courtroom at the Sincan Penitentiary Campus, was attended by the defendants, their lawyers, the plaintiff Ayşe Ateş, and her relatives. CHP Şanlıurfa Deputy Mahmut Tanal also attended the trial. The defense statements of the defendants and the statements of the lawyers of the parties were completed in the trial that started on Monday. In yesterday's session, the plaintiffs Ayşe Ateş, the mother Saniye Ateş, the sisters Selma Kazanç and Sevda Ateş Yörükoğlu, and Selman Bozkurt, who was injured during the incident, were heard.

The 5th day of the Sinan Ateş murder trial! The judge expelled CHP's Mahmut Tanal from the courtroom


The judge reminded that Mahmut Tanal, CHP Şanlıurfa Deputy, was expelled from the courtroom yesterday on the grounds that he "insulted the judge". The judge stated that it was seen that Tanal was present in the courtroom in this session as well and requested Tanal to be expelled from the courtroom. Mahmut Tanal then left the courtroom. The trial continues with the testimony of witnesses.

The 5th day of the Sinan Ateş murder trial! The judge expelled CHP's Mahmut Tanal from the courtroom


Ateş was killed in an armed attack in Kızılırmak Neighborhood in Çukurambar district of Çankaya on December 30, 2022, and a lawsuit was filed against 22 people regarding the murder.

The 5th day of the Sinan Ateş murder trial! The judge expelled CHP's Mahmut Tanal from the courtroom
Doğukan Çep, the number one suspect in the investigation of the Sinan Ateş murder


In the indictment with 22 defendants, where Ayşe Ateş, the wife of Sinan Ateş, and Selman Bozkurt, who was with him during the incident, are included as "plaintiffs", defendants Eray Özyağci, Vedat Balkaya, and Suat Kurt, who are included as "joint perpetrators", are requested to be sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment for "premeditated murder", and 13 to 20 years in prison for "attempted premeditated murder" against Selman Bozkurt. It is also requested that Doğukan Çep and Tolgahan Demirbaş be punished with aggravated life imprisonment for inciting the murder. Özyağci is also requested to be sentenced to 1 to 3 years in prison for "unlicensed possession and carrying of a firearm", and Demirbaş is requested to be sentenced to 3 to 7 years in prison for "illegally obtaining personal data in a chain-like manner". It is requested that Zekeriya Asarkaya, Hakan Saraç, Ufuk Köktürk, Mehmet Yüce, Mustafa Uzunlar, Aşkın Mert Gelenbey, Murat Can Çolak, Osman Bayraktar, Caner Güney, Umut Ersoy, Çağlar Zorlu, Aytaç Ataç, Emre Yüksel, Serdar Öktem, Erdem Karadeniz, Alper Atay, and Mustafa Ensar Aykal be sentenced to 15 to 20 years in prison for "aiding premeditated murder". It is also requested that Aykal, the former chief of the homicide bureau, be additionally sentenced to 3 to 6 years in prison for "illegally obtaining personal information of the victim by abusing the authority granted by public duty".

Ayşe Ateş, Sinan Ateş'in eşi ve olay sırasında beraberindeki Selman Bozkurt'un "müşteki" sıfatıyla yer aldığı 22 sanıklı iddianamede, "müşterek fail" olarak yer alan sanıklar tetikçi Eray Özyağci, Vedat Balkaya ve Suat Kurt'un "tasarlayarak kasten öldürme" suçundan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet, müşteki Selman Bozkurt'a yönelik "tasarlayarak kasten öldürmeye teşebbüs" suçundan 13'er yıldan 20'şer yıla kadar hapis, Doğukan Çep ve Tolgahan Demirbaş'ın ise cinayete azmettirmekten ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapisle cezalandırılmaları talep ediliyor. Özyağci'nin ayrıca "ruhsatsız tabanca bulundurmak ve taşımak" suçundan 1 yıldan 3 yıla, Demirbaş'ın ise "zincirleme şekilde kişisel verileri hukuka aykırı ele geçirme" suçundan 3 yıldan 7 yıla kadar hapis cezasına çarptırılması isteniyor. Sanıklar Zekeriya Asarkaya, Hakan Saraç, Ufuk Köktürk, Mehmet Yüce, Mustafa Uzunlar, Aşkın Mert Gelenbey, Murat Can Çolak, Osman Bayraktar, Caner Güney, Umut Ersoy, Çağlar Zorlu, Aytaç Ataç, Emre Yüksel, Serdar Öktem, Erdem Karadeniz, Alper Atay, Mustafa Ensar Aykal'ın ise "tasarlayarak kasten öldürmeye yardım" suçundan 15'er yıldan 20'şer yıla kadar hapsi talep ediliyor.

Eski cinayet büro amiri Aykal'ın ayrıca kamu görevinin verdiği yetkiyi kötüye kullanarak maktule ait kişisel bilgileri hukuka aykırı olarak temin ettiği gerekçesiyle ayrıca 3 yıldan 6 yıla kadar hapisle cezalandırılması isteniyor.

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