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The coffeehouse was swept away by the flood, but they didn't leave the table before the game was over.

The coffeehouse was swept away by the flood, but they didn't leave the table before the game was over.

04.07.2024 17:02

The hot weather in Izmir gave way to a rainy day. Warnings were issued against floods in areas affected by the rain, but the people playing okey in the coffeehouse didn't pay much attention to this situation. The footage captured on a mobile phone camera showed that they continued playing okey in a coffeehouse flooded by the flood.

Turkey is taking a break from the hot days. It has been announced that temperatures will drop and give way to rain in many cities and districts. İzmir is at the forefront of these cities. The rain, which started today, is gradually increasing its impact in İzmir. While rain is effective in various points, footage taken in a coffeehouse has attracted great attention on social media.


In the footage reflected on a mobile phone camera, it was seen that people playing games in the coffeehouse did not get up from their seats and continued to play okey despite the flood taking away the coffeehouse.

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