26.03.2025 14:10
The Competition Authority announced that it has launched an investigation to determine whether Opet's agreements with its dealers violate the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition.
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The Competition Authority announced that it has launched an investigation regarding the allegation that Opet violated the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition through agreements made with its dealers.
In the statement made by the Board, it was noted that findings were reached indicating that the duration of the lease right established in favor of Opet on the land where the dealership activities are carried out was extended while the dealership contracts were in force. It was stated that this practice led to the structuring of the vertical relationship between the dealer and Opet in a way that exceeds five years.
According to the legislation, fuel dealership contracts are evaluated together with the non-compete obligation included in these contracts, as well as usufruct and lease agreements. In this context, it is emphasized that the vertical relationships between distributors and dealers can benefit from the Group Exemption Communiqué for a maximum period of five years. It is stated that forcing dealers into agreements longer than five years is contrary to the legislation. The Competition Authority will examine whether Opet violated competition rules with these practices in the ongoing investigation.
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