Yesterday, a ceremony was held at AKM for the 79-year-old master artist Ferdi Tayfur, who passed away in the hospital where he was being treated in Antalya. While many famous names attended the ceremony, perhaps the most striking person among them was the artist Umut Akyürek. "I DID VOCAL FOR FERDI ABI"Akyürek, who attended the memorial ceremony with his wife, shared unknown details about Ferdi Tayfur. Speaking to Akşam newspaper, Akyürek said, "I did vocal for Ferdi abi. No one knows this. In fact, 'Fadime in Fadime's Wedding' is me. He is special to me, Ferdi abi," surprising everyone with his confession. Akyürek's wife, Oktay Ertuğrul, also spoke about Tayfur, saying, "Thirty years ago, we went to him as two young people. He saw us from afar and said, 'Let these kids be my vocalists.' He took us under his wing. Can you imagine? The great Ferdi Tayfur provided for us during our conservatory years so that we could be comfortable while studying. He never needed a vocalist because he sang all his songs himself," she said.