In a meeting with farmers in Tokat in 2022, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recipe for buffalo yogurt sparked discussions in the national agenda. "I EAT BUFFALO YOGURT, MEDINA DATES, CHESTNUT HONEY, AND OAT MIXTURE"Erdoğan recommended the mixture he stated he eats every night before bed, saying, "Buffalo yogurt is truly quality. I chop some Medina dates into it, add a teaspoon of chestnut honey and oatmeal. I eat this and lie down, it's healing..." he said. COST INCREASED BY 2.5 TIMESDuring the ongoing budget discussions in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), Mehmet Aşıla, Kocaeli Deputy of the New Welfare Party (YRP), spoke on behalf of his party and calculated the current cost of the recipe given by President Erdoğan in 2022. Aşıla stated that the cost of the recipe, which was 450 TL in 2022, has increased by 2.5 times, saying, "Now it has risen to 1,229 TL. Have some decency."