'The Girl in the Glass', 'Family', and 'Innocent' are series that have recently brought the actor Nur Sürer into the spotlight with her roles. She attended the wedding of Meriç Aral and Serkan Keskin, who got married in Etiler. The artist, who has been part of many iconic projects, went to the bus stop 100 meters away after leaving the wedding. Sürer, who preferred to return home using public transport, was widely discussed on social media for the moments when she boarded the bus and used her travel card. "WHY WAS THIS SUCH A BIG DEAL?"Sürer stated that she frequently takes the bus, saying, "Why is it being talked about? It's a normal thing. The whole of Turkey takes the bus. I always take it; they saw me for the first time. If a metro opens to Beşiktaş, I won't come above ground. I am someone who constantly uses the metro, just like everyone else. What is this, why has it become such a big deal? It overshadowed the children's wedding; I can't understand it," she said. "I CAME VERY COMFORTABLY, IT WAS EMPTY"Pointing out that buses are less crowded at night, Sürer expressed that it is normal for actors to use public transport, saying, "A friend of mine mentioned it. I laughed to myself. Do you know what the most comfortable part was? There were 4 people at that hour; I came very comfortably, it was empty. I always take it. 'Nur Sürer got out of the wedding and took the bus' and so on... There’s no rule that actors can't take the municipal bus," she said. "I LOVE MUNICIPAL BUSES"In her statement to Oda TV, Sürer noted that it is also difficult to find a taxi in Istanbul, saying, "Sometimes critical things happen; we can't find a taxi, if there’s a hospital or something, you’re in trouble. I'm a bit angry about the taxi situation, but I already take public transport. I love municipal buses. There’s a metro to every place I can go; I take the metro. I crossed from where the wedding was held; I got on it nicely. I keep asking, 'What happened to make this such a big deal?' It’s astonishing..." she said. "I WAS ASHAMED OF THIS BEING DISCUSSED"Sürer emphasized that there are more serious issues that should be on the agenda in the country, saying, "If they would focus on other things... A 2-year-old baby, bites on their body... On the other side, a child is dying, and it’s unclear how they died within a month. That’s why it really embarrassed me that my taking the bus was being discussed. In a country with so many problems, I was very ashamed of the fact that my boarding a municipal bus was being filmed," she expressed.