The bill that raises the minimum pension from 12,500 lira to 14,669 lira has been submitted to the Parliament. If the proposal is enacted, the cost to the Treasury for the increased pensions to be paid to approximately 3 million 900 thousand retirees will exceed 33 billion lira. However, the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) will wait for its work after the holiday for this. PARLIAMENT ENTERS A 10-DAY HOLIDAYThe omnibus proposal from the Ministry of Finance, which includes the minimum monthly regulation, will be presented to the General Assembly after being discussed in the Planning and Budget Commission this week. However, the TBMM will enter a 10-day recess after discussing the bill regulating the Turkish Justice Academy this week. Thus, the Parliament's discussion of the law has been postponed until after January 28. INCREASED PENSIONS WILL BE DEPOSITED IN FEBRUARYAs of January, the number of retirees whose base monthly pension is between 5,800 TL and 10,700 TL, and who receive differential payments from the Treasury, is approximately 3 million 707 thousand people. With the minimum monthly regulation, this number will rise to 3.9 million. When the regulation that will raise the minimum pension from 12,500 TL to 14,469 TL is enacted, the lowest pension will increase by 15.75%. However, due to the delay, this difference will not be reflected in the January salaries. SSK and Bağ-Kur retirees will continue to receive their old salary of 12,500 TL in January. The increase in the minimum pension will be deposited into accounts along with the February salary. WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSIONS WILL ALSO INCREASEWith the enactment of the proposal, there will also be an increase in the pensions of those receiving disability, widow, and orphan pensions. Improvements will be made on a case-by-case basis for approximately 3 million widows and orphans receiving pensions. According to the current law, 50% of the pension paid to widowed spouses is paid. If the widow has no orphans, this rate increases to 75%. For children and parents, the pension rate is set at 25%.