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The streets in Adana turned into a lake! Citizens traveled by boat.

The streets in Adana turned into a lake! Citizens traveled by boat.

22.09.2024 11:40

After the heavy rainfall that affected Adana, the streets were flooded, and local residents shared the situation on social media while navigating the waters in a boat. Citizens, who face the same issue every time it rains, stated that they used the boat to express their frustration with the situation.

After the warnings from the General Directorate of Meteorology, heavy rainfall occurred in Adana during the afternoon hours. Due to the rain, which lasted about 2 hours in the central districts, the roads turned into lakes. The heavy rain caused difficult moments for drivers in traffic and citizens on the streets. With flooding occurring on the main arteries, the streets and avenues were submerged. When the 70651 street in the central Seyhan district was flooded, citizens used a boat to navigate and shared those moments on social media.


A citizen named Şehmus Tekin stated that the streets are submerged every time it rains, saying, "We used a boat to respond to this situation. This street is never resolved. We experience the same situation every rain. People cannot live on the 1st floors in this street." Neighborhood resident Halime Şah expressed, "Every rain floods our house. I had to build a retaining wall."

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