Last week, in the Selahattin Eyyubi neighborhood of Esenyurt, two individuals who saw a deaf and mute child of Syrian nationality in an internet cafe took him to an empty room. THEY TRIED TO CUT HIS EARThe individuals who were bullying the child first beat him with a cable, and then tried to cut his ear with pliers. They recorded the torture, which lasted for minutes, on a mobile phone and sent the video to the child's brother. THE FOOTAGE WAS HORRIFYINGThe individuals also threatened the child's brother, sending a message saying, "We can do the same to you if you report this." The brother, angered by the situation, shared it on social media. The published footage caused an outrage. At the end of the footage, it was seen that the child, who was subjected to severe blows, was bleeding from his mouth and nose. THEY WERE DETAINEDEvaluating the video as a tip-off, the Esenyurt Public Order Teams quickly detained the individuals involved in the incident. The individuals, whose statements were taken, were referred to the courthouse.