The Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) has determined the upper limits for connection and service fees in natural gas distribution. The EPDK's decision on the matter was published in the repeated issue of the Official Gazette. LIMITS HAVE BEEN SETAccordingly, the upper limit for the subscriber connection fee that natural gas distribution companies will apply for the year 2025 will be 6,154 lira. The additional subscriber connection fee for 100 square meters has been set at 5,353 lira, and the connection control and approval fee for the first 100 meters has been determined as 3,471 lira. METER OPENING AND CLOSING FEE 157 LIRAThe prepaid meter replacement fee has been set at 1,630 lira, and the meter opening and closing fee at 157 lira. The internal installation processing fee will vary between 92 lira and 2,118 lira. The decision came into effect today.