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Traffic dispute between the mayor and the sergeant: He tried to punch me and get me out of my car.

Traffic dispute between the mayor and the sergeant: He tried to punch me and get me out of my car.

03.07.2024 20:40

Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu allegedly punched a specialist sergeant in traffic. The specialist sergeant, who described the incident in his statement, said, "Mayor Ekicioğlu got out of the vehicle I made a signal to. Ekicioğlu grabbed me by the collar and punched me on my left cheek. He tried to pull me out of my car." While Ekicioğlu did not make a statement regarding the matter, it was learned that the specialist sergeant was intoxicated during the incident. The specialist sergeant has been suspended from duty for a period of 3 months.

There was a tension in traffic between Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu and a specialist sergeant. The specialist sergeant, who claimed that the mayor punched him during the scuffle, filed a criminal complaint.

According to the allegation, Specialist Sergeant Y.S., who was going home with his girlfriend in his car, made a siren sound to a car while waiting at a red light, and a tension arose between Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu and the specialist sergeant who got out of the car where the siren sound was made.

Tension between the mayor and the specialist sergeant: The specialist sergeant claims that the mayor punched him


Y.S., who claimed that he was slapped during the scuffle, went to the police station and filed a complaint after the incident. In his statement, the person said, "When the red light turned green, I moved with my car. A black car whose brand and model I do not know turned in front of me after my warning siren. Then, Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu got out of his car and came to me. The window of my car was open. My girlfriend warned me that he was the mayor. The mayor grabbed me by the collar and punched my left cheek. He tried to get me out of my car. I told him that I was a military personnel. The people around gathered and took me away from the scene so that the incident would not escalate." Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu did not make a statement regarding the incident.

Tension between the mayor and the specialist sergeant: The specialist sergeant claims that the mayor punched him
Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu


It was learned that Specialist Sergeant Y.S., who was allegedly drunk during the incident, was suspended from duty for 3 months on charges of "driving under the influence of alcohol," "intentional injury," "threat," "insult," and "endangering traffic safety." Meanwhile, the approach of the people who witnessed the tension was captured on camera.

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