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Turkey has become the world leader in UAVs and drones.

Turkey has become the world leader in UAVs and drones.

17.09.2024 14:50

Turkey has surpassed China and the US to become the world's largest supplier of UAVs and UCAVs. The success of Turkish UAVs and UCAVs in the battlefield has increased exports.

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has published a report on the global market for military UAVs and drones. According to the report, Turkey has become the world's largest supplier of UAVs and drones due to its successful performance in recent years.

Turkey, selling armed and unarmed unmanned aerial vehicles to many countries from Africa to the Balkans, from Asia to the Middle East, has become a leading country in this field.

The American organization has published a report on the global market for military UAVs and drones. According to the report prepared by Molly Campbell, China, Turkey, and Iran's development of low-cost military drones has ended Israel and America's dominance in the drone market.


Since 2018, China, Turkey, and the United States have made a total of 69 sales of armed military UAVs to 40 different countries. While Turkey accounted for 65% of these sales, China accounted for 26% and the United States only managed to make 8% of the sales.

In 2022, 6 new countries procured UAVs and drones, all of which were Bayraktar TB2s produced by Baykar. While China's UAV and drone sales reached their peak in 2014, by 2021, Turkey surpassed China and became the world's largest supplier.


According to the report, the successful performance of Turkish UAVs and drones in the battlefields of Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, and Ukraine, as well as the positive media coverage of this performance, has propelled Turkish UAVs and drones to the top.

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