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Ukraine's President Urges Putin To Change Language As 'World Majority' Wants Peace

15.06.2024 19:57

Summit can prove that return of security is 'indeed possible,' says Zelenskyy.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to change his language as the "world majority" wants peace.

Zelenskyy's remarks came during his official opening remarks addressing the two-day peace summit in Switzerland's Burgenstock.

"The peace formula encourages all powers to think about ending the war and to propose how to end it, and therefore, the very idea of war has already lost," he said, and added: "Putin should switch from the language of ultimatums to the language of the world majority, which wants a just peace."

Regarding what could be achieved by this summit, he said it can prove that the return of security is "indeed possible."

"We will work out the steps together," he added.

Additionally, he said, it can provide "a real plan" to make every step for peace work -- from nuclear and food security to the release of prisoners and deportees, and to the complete end of the war.

"I believe it is possible," he underlined.

He said that "there's no need to reinvent the wheel when the UN Charter already defines the foundations of peace and co-existence of people," and added: "We need to decide how countries will cooperate, who will be co-leaders to fix and implement an action plan. These are clear and achievable goals."

The president also explained Russian absence with Moscow's "lack of interest" in peace, saying: "Why? Because if Russia was interested in peace, there would be no war."

"We must decide together what a just peace means for the world and how it can be achieved in a truly lasting way. The UN Charter is the basis for us," he urged. -

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