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Prices in the market are skyrocketing! Even retirees who can't afford cucumbers are filling their stomachs with bread.

Prices in the market are skyrocketing! Even retirees who can't afford cucumbers are filling their stomachs with bread.

30.09.2024 19:00

In the Kadirli district of Osmaniye, the price of cucumbers at the local market has reached 50 lira per kilogram, and 11 lira each. Citizens have complained about the high prices. A retired citizen stated, "I am not buying it, it's expensive. I can do without eating it. Bread is ten lira, that's the price of five loaves."

Citizens reacted to the price of one kilogram of cucumbers being 50 lira and each cucumber costing 11 lira at the local market in the Kadirli district of Osmaniye. A retired citizen said, "I am not buying it, it's expensive. I can do without eating it. Bread is ten lira, that's the price of five loaves of bread."


Citizens complained about the high prices at the local market in the Kadirli district of Osmaniye. The price of cucumbers is 50 lira per kilogram and 11 lira each, which drew reactions from the public. One citizen stated, "We can't buy and eat it. This is where I will say it ends, I have nothing else to say. What can I say, I can't buy and eat it. Why should I give 50 lira for that? Even a single meal is expensive right now, 50 lira, I mean. Can cucumbers really cost 50 lira these days? It's too early for it to be this much. Everything has skyrocketed. A bunch of grapes is 50 lira, 60 lira for beans, it's the same. It can't be this way, everything has gone up too much."


A market vendor said, "The daily wage for workers is a thousand lira, I can't find anyone to pick. I offer 700 lira, but no one goes. Last year, I couldn't sell for 10 lira, I was throwing them away. This year, it will be 50 lira, there's nothing to be done. Everything is getting worse every day. Prices are very bad, the public can't reach them. There is no fruit under 60 lira at the stalls. Right now, the things we can buy properly are 40-50-60 lira."


A retired citizen said, "I am not buying it, it's expensive. I can do without eating it. Bread is ten lira, that's already the price of five loaves of bread. I didn't buy it, I am not eating it, I haven't died."

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