The eagerly awaited first episode of Survivor 2025 has aired. The first immunity challenge of the new season was played. Acun Ilıcalı announced the new rules of the competition at the council. The first elimination candidate from the Volunteers team, which lost the immunity game, has also been determined. ACUN ILICALI EXPLAINED THE NEW RULESAcun Ilıcalı, who explained the new rules to the contestants at the council, stated that after a team has 8 in the game, the best will be selected, and the best will play the final episode. Ilıcalı said, "The rounds of the final episode will be even." He added, "You will sometimes run the course once and sometimes one and a half or two times alone. Saying 'I am going to the best' will require courage. Those courses are no longer a single course. It might be better for those who will go to the best not to play in the first round; this is a tactic. We will leave these to you." "WE WILL NOT CALCULATE PERCENTAGES"Ilıcalı, who announced that there would be no percentage calculation this year, said: "The difference between everyone's performance will be between victory and defeat, that's the system. When calculating your seasonal performances, you will have points equal to the difference between how many victories you have and how many defeats you have. We will not calculate percentages; we will say much clearer things." THE FIRST ELIMINATION CANDIDATE HAS BEEN DETERMINEDThe Volunteers, who lost the first immunity game in Survivor 2025 with a score of 12-3, designated Göksu as the first elimination candidate.