The 108th Provincial Advisory Council Meeting organized by the AK Party Kocaeli Organizations was protested during the speech of the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Murat Kurum. "WE DON'T WANT A WASTE FACILITY"The villagers of Kandıra protested the planned waste facility in the region. A large group chanted slogans such as "We don't want a waste facility in Kandıra" and "Kandıra is green and will remain green", and they were removed from the area by security. The meeting, hosted by AK Party Provincial Chairman Şahin Talus, was also attended by AK Party Deputy Chairman Çiğdem Karaaslan. SHE WANTED TO GIVE A CARD TO THE WOMAN WHO ASKED ABOUT RETIREMENT PENSIONSDuring his visit to Rize, Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Murat Kurum, was asked by an elderly woman about the reason for the difference in her retirement and widow pensions not being deposited. After a short conversation, Minister Kurum, who wanted to give a shopping card to the woman, received the response "I don't need anything, give it to someone who needs it". The dialogue between Kurum and the elderly woman caused a great reaction, especially on social media.