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A bear that entered a house at night in Russia killed a father and his son.

A bear that entered a house at night in Russia killed a father and his son.

25.09.2024 14:30

A bear in Russia entered a home and killed a father and son. The day before, it had killed 35 dogs. The police have taken measures to protect the village and imposed a curfew. An expert suggested that the bear might be injured or rabid. The weakness of the killed bear indicated that it was sick. Similar incidents are occurring in Japan as well. Animals referred to as "ninja bears" are attacking people and other animals. These events indicate an increase in human-wildlife conflicts.


In a tragic incident in the Primorsky region of eastern Russia, a bear entered a house and killed an 87-year-old father and his 56-year-old son. This attack occurred after the same bear had killed 35 dogs at a nearby dog shelter the day before.

Shelter official Olga Zamyshlyaeva stated that the shelter is located in the forest and is protected by weak fences. The dogs were chained and could not escape.

After the incident, the police secured the village and imposed a nighttime curfew. Hunters were tasked with finding and killing the bear to prevent further casualties.

Bear expert Sergey Aramilev said that a healthy bear normally would not attack humans, and this bear might have been injured or rabid. Indeed, the killed bear was found to be weak, suggesting it could be ill.

Meanwhile, bear attacks are also being reported on Japan's Hokkaido island. These animals, referred to as "ninja bears," are attacking humans and animals. In particular, a bear known as "Oso18" had instilled fear in the region for years. This bear was killed last year, but the continuation of similar attacks has raised concerns about the emergence of a new threat.

These incidents highlight the potential dangers of human settlements encroaching on wildlife habitats. Authorities emphasize the need for more effective measures to prevent conflicts between humans and wild animals.

A bear that entered a house at night in Russia killed a father and son

A bear that entered a house at night in Russia killed a father and son

A bear that entered a house at night in Russia killed a father and son


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