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A woman struck by lightning in Mardin has lost her life.

A woman struck by lightning in Mardin has lost her life.

22.09.2024 09:01

In the Nusaybin district of Mardin, 35-year-old Şükriye Kutlu lost her life due to a lightning strike. The incident occurred while she was returning home from the countryside.

The incident occurred in the rural Doğuş neighborhood of Nusaybin district in the evening hours. According to allegations, Şükriye Kutlu, who lives in the neighborhood, was struck by lightning while returning home from the countryside. Health and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification.

A woman struck by lightning in Mardin lost her life


After the initial intervention, Kutlu was taken to Nusaybin State Hospital, where she could not be saved despite all efforts and lost her life. While Kutlu's body was taken to the morgue for autopsy, an investigation was initiated regarding the incident.

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