General President Ahmet Davutoğlu used striking expressions while talking about the Future Party's Ankara Deputy Nedim Yamalı, who caused the effective dissolution of the Saadet-Future group in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey with his resignation. "WE HAVE FAILED TO EXPLAIN POLITICAL ETHICS"Davutoğlu, who stated that he did not expect Nedim Yamalı's resignation, said, "I had an opportunity for self-reflection. It seems that we have failed to explain political ethics even to those closest to us. He said he would leave, but it cannot be considered a farewell. I do not want to go into detail," he said. HE RESIGNED THANKING DAVUTOĞLUFuture Party's Ankara Deputy Nedim Yamalı announced his resignation on social media, thanking General President Ahmet Davutoğlu. Yamalı used the following expressions: "As of today, I am resigning from my membership in the Future Party, which I have been a part of since its establishment. I thank my General President, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, for the support he provided during my work, and I wish success to all my party colleagues. It is respectfully announced to the public." THE SAADAT-FUTURE GROUP IN THE ASSEMBLY HAS FALLENIn the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), a party group needs at least 20 deputies to exist. After Yamalı's resignation, the number of deputies in the Future Party dropped to 8. The Saadet Party also had 11 deputies. The Saadet-Future group effectively fell after Yamalı's resignation as it could not secure a group majority. HE HAD JOINED THE AK PARTYNedim Yamalı, who resigned from the Future Party and joined the AK Party, was presented with a badge after President Erdoğan's speech at his party's group meeting.