AK Party Deputy Chairman Mustafa Şen made striking statements regarding his party's votes on TV100 screens. "WE ARE LOOKING AT IT AS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS"In response to journalist Hacı Yakışıklı's question about how the events in Syria and the announcement of the minimum wage would affect the votes, Mustafa Şen stated, "We do not evaluate our votes based on developments such as the events in Syria or the minimum wage." Şen also said, "We are looking at it as internal and external developments. These developments have strengthened Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's leadership," he added. "WE ARE RISING TOWARDS 40%"Noting that his party's votes have approached 40% with recent developments, Şen stated, "The strengthening of leadership is reflected in our votes. Our votes have been on the rise for the last three months. We are currently the first party. We have more votes than the total votes of the second and third parties behind us. We are rising towards 40%. After this point, a plateau is expected," he said.