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As tensions rise in the Middle East, Özgür Özel calls on President Erdoğan.

As tensions rise in the Middle East, Özgür Özel calls on President Erdoğan.

03.10.2024 17:33

In response to President Erdoğan's statement that "Israel will set its sights on Turkey," CHP leader Özel expressed that the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) should be informed immediately regarding this statement. Emphasizing that the briefing should be conducted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, National Defense, and Interior, Özel stated, "We consider it important for this session to be held in a closed format. Because after saying 'There are intelligence-sensitive information, and I cannot disclose it here,' it becomes impossible to prevent speculation."


The CHP Chairman Özgür Özel, who came to Antalya to participate in some programs, visited the CHP Provincial Presidency and met with party members. Afterward, he went to the Metropolitan Municipality and met with Antalya Metropolitan Mayor Muhittin Böcek and members of parliament. Responding to journalists' questions, Özel stated that the remarks made by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "The place that the Israeli administration will set its sights on after Palestine and Lebanon, I say openly, will be our homeland," were extremely attention-grabbing and concerning.

Özel expressed that the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) should be immediately informed about this statement, and he noted that he wanted information to be provided in a way that would reveal all uncertainties regarding what would happen in Turkey in such a situation, eliminating speculations from both military and foreign policy perspectives.


Özel emphasized the importance of this briefing being conducted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, National Defense, and Interior when President Erdoğan is also present in the Assembly, stating, "We consider it important for this session to be held as a closed session. Because after saying, 'There are intelligence-value information, I cannot say it here,' the speculations cannot be prevented. If the President openly expresses a threat to the Republic of Turkey, he cannot hide this from the Assembly and its representatives; he must explain it with all concrete justifications and information."

Özel stated that they support any diplomatic initiative against Israel's attacks and expect more from the government in terms of mobilizing international institutions and organizations.


Özel emphasized that if a risk is seen, it should be explained in the Assembly, continuing his words: "Let us all know and do what is necessary. If today is a day of unity and solidarity, we are the most assertive party in this regard. You have divided and polarized Turkey until now. You have demonized the opposition. Who benefited from this? You told people, 'You are hungry, unemployed, and insecure, but the danger is great; you must vote for me.' If the danger is great, sit and explain, brother. We are always in favor of unity and solidarity. The guarantee of this country's unity and solidarity is the CHP. We know how to protect the country we have established."

Özel explained that for unity and solidarity, it is necessary to embrace the nation, stating, "First, we need to reconcile with all parts of this society. They say 'Let's normalize,' but you are bringing the opposition inside, and you are pursuing political bans against those you are worried about. You are trying to intimidate everyone."


Using the expression "Who is Israel? It burns as much land as its crime," Özel stated, "Israel's power is not enough for Turkey. We will mess with that Netanyahu's forehead together. But we will not allow this issue to overshadow Turkey's real problems."


In response to a journalist's question, "Are you expecting an early election? Are you a candidate?" Özel replied: "I said, 'If there is no livelihood, there will be an election' for the upcoming period. Today, I am asking in the squares of Turkey, there is no livelihood. Erdoğan's insistence on 'I will complete the 5 years' under these conditions is futile; it does not solve poverty or unemployment. Next November marks the halfway point of his term. If there is an early election, we will go to the nation together. If there is no early election, you will push this nation into hunger, poverty, and misery, and towards the end of the 5 years, you will say, 'Let's hold the elections 6 months earlier, and I will be a candidate too'... There is no such thing. If they say, 'Let's hold the elections in March 2025,' I would agree from yesterday, I am ready today, and I will rush to the ballot box. That is why we want an early election."


Özel expressed that in the general elections, the lights of the CHP will shine until morning, stating, "The position I aspire to in the CHP is to be the chairman who makes the party the ruling party, the first party. Apart from that, I have no personal candidacy, no ambition, and no demands regarding myself. My demand is related to my nation and my country. My goal is to make the CHP the ruling party."

In response to the question, "Is there a name you associate with the presidential candidacy?" Özel stated that they would consult not only himself but also the opinions of CHP members and everyone else, and they would determine the best candidate with common sense and the broadest consensus.

When asked, "You spoke very harshly here while very nice photo frames were being shared at the opening of the legislative period. Did you start the old harsh speeches from here in politics?" Özel replied that he gave the harshest reaction at the Assembly reception.


Özgür Özel continued his words as follows:

"The President is both the President of Turkey and has received 26 million votes in the last elections. His party has over 10 million members, although it decreases a little every day. Showing respect to the President by shaking hands with him on behalf of those who voted for him and the members of his party... Devlet Bahçeli represents the Nationalist Movement Party. Greeting him, calling him on the phone during the holiday... The Peoples' Democratic Party received 6.5 million votes, and it is essential to greet the representatives of that electorate... Embracing Müsavat Bey on behalf of the Good Party... These are essentials in politics. When you do not do this, you do not respect those who voted for those individuals; they are their representatives. The CHP has left behind the period when hands were left in the air in politics. As you can see, everyone is leaving it behind now. From now on, what we are trying to bring to politics is struggle, to the end, but without swearing, without insults."

Özel drew attention to the fact that every word spoken is translated and sent abroad through all representations, stating that no one has the right to disgrace Turkey abroad and to embarrass those who vote inside.

In response to the question, "Is there something you know that has not been explained regarding the Narin Güran murder?" Özel added that if he knew something, he would openly say it, emphasizing that the nation has the right to know this and that it should be explained.


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