Cem Yılmaz drew attention with his latest post on his Instagram account. Yılmaz, who ordered a lamp worth 43,000 TL from a famous shopping site, wanted to return the product when he saw that it arrived broken. Unable to return the damaged product, Cem Yılmaz exposed the brand on his social media account. Cem Yılmaz used the following expressions in his post: "This broken lamp arrived at my house almost 20 days ago... I physically sent it back and requested, but they said no, create a record online... We said okay... I created a record from the app, no one is calling or asking. I said the lamp is 43 thousand lira, patience... I sent an email, they said no, we check and put it in the box! So they are saying, Mr. Cem, you broke the lamp, just forget about returning it now... I congratulate these friends who caused a 43 million loss to the brand for a 43,000 TL lamp in front of you and wish them continued success."