The cyber espionage network that seized personal data worldwide and sold it to terrorist organizations was dismantled through a joint operation by MIT, the Gendarmerie, and USOM. 11 people were arrested. As part of the investigation conducted by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the National Intelligence Organization, in coordination with the Gendarmerie General Command and the National Cyber Incident Response Center, took action against a cyber espionage network. This network, which seized the personal data of thousands of people worldwide, including Turkey, was dismantled through a successful operation. 11 individuals within the cyber network were apprehended. THEY SHARED THE SEIZED DATA WITH TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONSAccording to the intelligence obtained by MIT, it was determined that the cyber espionage network, which also had international extensions, shared the personal data they seized from many countries with anyone who requested it, including terrorist organizations. It was determined that the espionage network, which has been monitored by MIT for a long time, provided vital information, especially for terrorist organizations. WEBSITES BLOCKED FROM ACCESSAs part of the operation, the members of the organization were arrested and sent to prison, and access to numerous websites was blocked.