06.01.2025 14:11
The co-chair of the DEM Party, Tülay Hatimoğulları, caused an uproar in the public with her threat, "Either a positive breakthrough will occur and we will build peace, or everywhere will be like Gaza." Hatimoğulları stated that her words were distorted, saying, "No one has the power to distort our insistence on peace and our words. All our efforts are for a dignified peace. Period."
Co-Chair of the DEM Party, Tülay Hatimoğulları, made a written statement regarding her words during a speech at the public meeting organized by the Democratic Regions Party in Diyarbakır yesterday, where she said, "Either a positive break will occur and we will build peace, or everywhere will be like Gaza."
In her statement, Hatimoğulları said, "I want to start by bringing forward what I will say last: No one has the power to distort our insistence and words for peace. All our efforts are for a dignified peace. Period."
Hatimoğulları continued her statement by noting; "What should happen today is the democratic and peaceful resolution of the Kurdish issue both within Turkey's borders and in the Middle East. We state in every speech that we are ready to do our utmost as a party for the resolution of the Kurdish issue, which is not only a local but also a regional matter. A peaceful solution is the only way to avoid all kinds of destruction. This is the point I want to emphasize.
We are a party that knows from experience that no solution can be achieved through a language of reaction or threat in such a period. Our main issue is to take steps for the realization of a peaceful and democratic solution in the healthiest way. I respectfully submit this to the public."