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Handover ceremony at the Ministry of Environment! The institution has set its first target as urban transformation.

Handover ceremony at the Ministry of Environment! The institution has set its first target as urban transformation.

02.07.2024 13:20

Murat Kurum, who was appointed as the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate, took over the duty from Mehmet Özhaseki. Speaking at the handover ceremony, Özhaseki said, "I am handing over the duty to my brother, whom I believe will do as good a job as I did. I believe that my brother will complete the tasks that I started and left unfinished." Kurum, on the other hand, stated, "We want to realize this urban transformation by putting our hands and bodies under the stone, especially in Istanbul and in all 81 provinces. We will be closely connected with our municipalities."

With the decision published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President Erdogan, Mehmet Özhaseki handed over the Ministry of Urbanization and Climate to Murat Kurum with the organized handover ceremony.


Here are some highlights from Mehmet Özhaseki's speech at the handover ceremony; "I am handing over the duty to a friend, a brother, whom I believe will do the job as well as I do. I believe that my brother will complete the tasks that I have started and left unfinished. We have served the country a lot. Today, I am completing my duty. If there is something I need to do, I will definitely do it. I will strive to do what is right for my country and my people. I wish my dear brother success. Forgive me for any mistakes."

Handover ceremony at the Ministry of Environment! Kurum's first target is determined as urban transformation


Here are some highlights from Murat Kurum's statements; "I would like to thank our President for assigning me this duty. I would like to thank our esteemed minister, whom we have taken as an example since 1994, for his mayoral, ministerial, and party leadership duties. They have worked in different positions and made every effort. I thank them. My goal in every task I undertake is to serve our dear nation. We have run for our people in earthquakes, floods, and landslides. We will continue to do the same as we did in the past. We want to start earthquake transformation by putting our hands together, regardless of any politics, making every effort in earthquake transformation, including buildings that collapse on their own. We want to realize this transformation by putting our hands and bodies under the stone, especially in Istanbul and in all 81 provinces, in terms of urban transformation."


One of the most important duties of our Ministry of Climate Change is to fight against climate change. We will continue to take new steps to protect our greenery and add beauty. We have done great work with our environmental commission members. I thank my colleagues. We will continue to increase this harmony. We will work closely with our municipalities. We will continue in the same direction with my colleagues with whom I worked at the ministry."

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