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He first stabbed his wife, then took his own life.

He first stabbed his wife, then took his own life.

27.06.2024 17:56

A person in the district of İlkadım in Samsun stabbed his wife and then committed suicide by injuring himself with the same knife. The woman was severely injured in the incident, while the attacker lost his life. The woman, who was taken to the hospital for treatment, described the terrifying moments she experienced, saying, "He stabbed me first, and then he stabbed himself one after another." It was stated that the couple lost their baby one day after giving birth two years ago and that they occasionally had arguments because they were unable to have children again.

A person who stabbed his wife in Samsun committed suicide with the same knife.


The incident took place on Ebusuud Efendi Street in Cedit neighborhood of İlkadım district in Samsun. According to the information obtained, E.A (38), who works as a furniture maker, stabbed his wife L.Ö.A (34) in the lower part of her left abdomen during an argument at their home. E.A then stabbed himself in four places on his left chest with the same knife.

He stabbed his wife first, then committed suicide


When the woman threw herself out of the house and asked for help, an ambulance and police teams were dispatched to the scene. E.A was taken to Samsun Education and Research Hospital by ambulance, while L.Ö.A was taken by private vehicle. Despite the doctors' interventions, E.A, who was severely injured, could not be saved and died.

He stabbed his wife first, then committed suicide


L.Ö.A, who was taken to the hospital for treatment, said, "He stabbed me first, then stabbed himself one after another." It is claimed that the couple, who have been married for 5 years, have had occasional arguments since their baby died one day after being born about 2 years ago, and they have no children after these incidents. The lifeless body of E.A was sent to the Forensic Medicine Institution Samsun Group Presidency for autopsy. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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