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Here is the translation of the provided text: "Bahçeli's October 29 message: We have not deviated from our goal of uprooting terrorism; if they resist, we will apply a harsher method."

Here is the translation of the provided text:

28.10.2024 13:40

The leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahçeli, who ignited a new debate in Turkish politics with his call regarding terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan, issued a message for the Republic Day on October 29. Bahçeli stated, "Turkey has no ethnic or sectarian weight or impasse. The Republic of Turkey does not have a Kurdish issue. We have not deviated from our goal of eradicating terrorism. If they resist, a harsher method will be applied than before."


During the group meeting of his party, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli, who made headlines with his call for the baby killer Abdullah Öcalan, also used striking expressions in his message for the Republic Day on October 29. Stating that Turkey has not deviated from its goal of eradicating terrorism, Bahçeli said, "If they resist, a method harsher than before will be applied."

Bahçeli's message is as follows: "The Republic of Turkey has embarked on a journey with a strong vision, under the assurance of national unity and solidarity, while also based on the binding nature of its founding philosophy, leaving a century behind and entering the first anniversary of the new century. This is the Turkish Era, the time is the Century of Turkey. Generations with free thoughts, free consciences, and free wisdom are both enlightening under the torch of the Republic and opening the bright pages of the future. The Republic of Turkey is a distinguished document of sovereignty that has emerged through the unique work of the national heroism and the shared destiny of the Turkish nation, continuously intertwined with the sacred and historical existence of the Turkish nation’s freedom and independence struggle.


In a period deprived of all defense means, our nation, which did not bow to any lack or despair, has managed to chase away the enemy that has besieged the homeland with its teeth and nails, faith and will, life and blood, and has succeeded in establishing a new Turkish state based on its sovereignty. The Republic, which means the form of state with a democratic system, has united with the Republic without separation. Thus, the periods of armistice and occupation that complement each other have closed, and a brand new era has begun in Turkish history. As expressed succinctly by the esteemed Atatürk, the Republic of Turkey has moved on the path of eternity to prove with its works that it deserves the position it occupies in the world. First and foremost, relying on God's grace, and immediately after that, the determination and decisiveness of our nation, the heroes of the National Struggle have, on one hand, resolved the knots of victories, while on the other hand, by gathering the virtue and thought of the Republic in their pure consciences, they have brought to life the opening of a brand new path with the power of their wrists and faith.

The Republic of Turkey is the manifestation and expression of a noble nation's message of "I exist and I will endure" through the blood of martyrs. The Republic of Turkey is the link added to the chain of Turkish states in history, the bridge that connects the past and the future, the final word that unites the nation with sovereignty, and the eternal decision and will power. It is an undeniable fact that the Republic, which has concentrated its founding principles with the unparalleled sacrifices and selflessness of the years of liberation, needs the same stance and sentiment on the first anniversary of the new century. We will not allow the Republic of Turkey, which has been built with victories won against injustice, shamelessness, and the most severe attacks, to become a toy in the hands of those who are enslaved by their own egos and foreign influences. At no stage in history has the Turkish nation begged for mercy from external enemies; it will certainly not compromise or surrender to the newly emerged, rampant collaborators who have infiltrated and infected us, nor to their endless provocations and destruction, or to their treacherous ambitions and goals.


The provocative statements of the political group that still cannot comprehend the compassionate and tolerant hand extended by the Turkish nation, that cannot grasp its meaning, and that cannot understand its purpose, are not only unexplainable by any value judgment but are, on the contrary, irresponsible and destructive in nature. Those who are trying to define the southern Kurdistan while seeking to certify the north should carefully avoid using their last chances; their insistence on a divisive and separatist tone is delusional; they are throwing the false democrats, virtual freedoms, and baseless slogans of peoples into the scrap heap. While the neighboring geographies of our country are boiling and being dragged into chaos, those who resist our call for national unity and brotherhood, who still stubbornly cling to the language of terror, must see that they are not on the right path and that they are pushing the limits of patience and perseverance.

The Republic of Turkey does not have a Kurdish problem, nor will it ever have one. The Republic of Turkey does not have an ethnic or sectarian weight or impasse. The existing problem is the problem of separatist terrorism, and the root of this treachery will undoubtedly be uprooted. Those who come to the TUSAŞ facilities and martyr five of our brothers, those who do not part ways with the terrorist organization of separatist terrorism, and those who hold the patent of terrorism in their regional and global centers will inevitably meet at the common denominator of enmity against democracy and humanity. There is no question of retreating, deviating, or wavering from the goal of uprooting terrorism and separatism not only from our lives but also from our national memory. If resistance is shown to this, it must become inevitable to implement methods that are much harsher, faster, and more violent than the old-fashioned struggle strategies, and no one should be spared their tears. The Republic of Turkey has not been won by grace, donation, favor, gift, or lottery.


It will not be shaken by the aggressive dominations of the internal and external occupying fronts, and it will definitely not give up its independent progress towards infinity. In these days when the consciousness of national unity and solidarity needs to be reinforced, my sincere wish is that everyone is unconditionally committed to the indivisible integrity of the state, its country, and its nation. I firmly believe that we will build the pillars of the Turkish and Turkey Century together, by living and perpetuating a thousand-year brotherhood, with a unity of conscience and will, and this belief is complete, indefinable, and unlimited.

The Republic of Turkey, which is based on Turkish heroism and high Turkish culture, will exist forever and will be protected and preserved by the unparalleled struggles of those who love their homeland and nation. With these feelings and thoughts, I commemorate the founder of the Republic of Turkey, our first President Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the heroes of the National Struggle, our brothers who were martyred in the TUSAŞ attack, and all other martyrs with mercy, gratitude, and respect. I say may God be pleased with all of them. I congratulate the Great Turkish Nation on the Republic Day of October 29, and I share my heartfelt greetings, love, and respect.


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