AK Party district mayors and organization managers attended the opening of a Burger King branch within the scope of the Israel boycott at a shopping mall in Rize. While those who attended the opening were referred to disciplinary action, it was revealed that Rize Municipality had also advertised the boycott hamburger chain on its water bills. MUNICIPALITY SAYS "WE DID IT IN PAST YEARS"Following this highly controversial incident, Rize Municipality made a statement claiming that the advertising agreement was made in previous years and was presented as if it were new. "CRITICISMS ARE MALICIOUS AND BASELESS"In a statement from the municipality, it was said, "As Rize Municipality, we act responsibly at every stage of the services offered to our people. In the tenders we held in previous years, an agreement was made with the 'relevant company' for the use of advertisements on the back of the water bills. However, in the past year, the attacks carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people have caused deep wounds in our social conscience. With this responsibility, we have terminated the advertising collaboration of the relevant company on our municipality's water bills and have started using Rize Çaydalı Charcoal, produced within Rize Municipality, in those areas. The criticisms directed at our municipality by some circles in recent days, using this situation, are malicious and baseless. As Rize Municipality, we will continue to uphold our moral values," it was stated. Here is the post made;