16.01.2025 15:32
In the 2025 Investment Program signed by President Erdoğan, approximately 1 trillion 444.4 billion lira has been allocated for 14,238 projects. The transportation and communication sector received the largest share of the investment budget, accounting for 30.5%, followed by the education sector with a share of 15.1%.
The Presidential Decision on the Approval and Implementation of the 2025 Investment Program was published in the official gazette's supplementary issue. The Investment Program includes projects from institutions within the central government budget, public economic enterprises (KİT), privatized institutions, revolving fund institutions, and social security organizations. Only projects financed by external loans from local administrations were included in the program.
In the preparations for the 2025 Investment Program, the fundamental policies and objectives outlined in the 12th Development Plan and the policies, priorities, and budget sizes included in the 2025-2027 Medium-Term Program were taken into account. In determining the projects in the Investment Program, maximum selectivity was exercised, prioritizing projects foreseen in the 12th Development Plan, projects that need to be initiated due to earthquake risk, and projects that have strong social and economic impacts and need to be quickly integrated into the economy.
The total amount of projects to be carried out by public institutions in the 2025 Investment Program is approximately 10,599.5 billion lira, and the total allocation amount assigned to these projects has reached 1 trillion 444.4 billion lira. Within the program, it is anticipated that a total of 14,238 projects will be implemented in 2025, including 3,783 main projects. While 5,296 projects will be completed in 2024, 5,061 new projects have been included in the 2025 Investment Program. Of these projects, 1,364 are multi-year, and 3,697 are projects that will be completed within one year. It is planned that 70.7% of the 1 trillion 444.4 billion lira investment foreseen in the Investment Program for 2025 will be carried out by institutions within the central government budget, 28.1% by KİT and privatized institutions, and 1.2% by revolving fund institutions and social security organizations.
A total of 511 billion lira worth of projects related to earthquake measures have been included in the 2025 Investment Program. Approximately 42% of the allocations for these projects in 2025 are allocated to the health sector, 16.7% to the housing sector, and 13.2% to the transportation-communication sector. Additionally, when considering the investment-quality expenditures carried out under current transfers in the budget, as well as other current expenditures, the total allocation amount assigned from the central government budget for earthquake measures reaches 584 billion lira.
Of the 1 trillion 444.4 billion lira investment allocation within the 2025 Investment Program, the transportation-communication sector received the highest share at 30.5%. An allocation of 440 billion lira was assigned for transportation sector investments in 2025, reflecting a 38% increase. In particular, for the development of railway freight and passenger transportation, 29.3 billion lira was allocated for the Halkalı-Kapıkule High-Speed Train Line project, 22.8 billion lira for the Mersin-Adana-Osmaniye-Gaziantep High-Standard Railway project, 19.7 billion lira for the Ankara-İzmir High-Standard Railway project, and 18.5 billion lira for the Bandırma-Bursa-Yenişehir-Osmaneli High-Standard Railway project. An allocation of 8.4 billion lira was assigned to connection line projects, reflecting a 301.4% increase, which will contribute to revitalizing production and trade. For the Divriği-Kars Railway Line Rehabilitation project, which will strengthen Turkey's connections with international freight corridors and help it become an important logistics center in the region, 4.1 billion lira was allocated, and 2.4 billion lira was allocated for the Kars-Iğdır-Aralık-Dilucu Railway Line project. Additionally, the Gaziantep-Şanlıurfa and Şanlıurfa-Mardin High-Speed Train Line projects were included in the Investment Program under the Development Road project.
Following the transportation-communication sector, the education sector received a share of 15.1%. An allocation of 217.9 billion lira was assigned for education sector investments in 2025, reflecting a 44.5% increase. The aim is to ensure that all individuals have equal access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities based on the principle of inclusivity, to develop their academic, social, and professional skills in accordance with international standards, and to ensure they acquire competencies in analytical thinking, financial literacy, collaborative work, and leadership, while internalizing national, spiritual, moral, humanitarian, and social values, and growing up with a sense of responsibility towards their family and community. A total of 140.8 billion lira was allocated for basic education. To strengthen the physical infrastructure of vocational education to meet the needs of today and the future, the "Modernization of Technical and Laboratory Infrastructure of 1,500 Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools" project was included in the Investment Program, with an allocation of 5 billion lira.
The agriculture sector, which received an 11.4% share of the investment allocations, was allocated a total of 164.1 billion lira in 2025, reflecting a 62.5% increase. Within the scope of agricultural irrigation investments, the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works was allocated 95.7 billion lira, reflecting an 87.5% increase, with plans to open approximately 120 thousand hectares of land to irrigation and to renew irrigation systems in 20 thousand hectares. Under the GAP Action Plan, 8.2 billion lira was allocated for the "Lower Euphrates 2nd Phase Irrigation" project, 8 billion lira for the "Silvan Irrigation 1st Phase" project, and 2.4 billion lira for the "Middle Ceyhan Menzelet Irrigation 2nd Phase" project. Additionally, 32.5 billion lira was allocated for flood protection projects. With an allocation of 5 billion lira for land consolidation projects, it is planned to complete the consolidation registration works for approximately 465 thousand hectares. In the fight against forest fires, 4 small fire tanker aircraft will be added to the fleet of the General Directorate of Forestry in 2025.
The mining sector, which has a 10.3% share of investment allocations, was allocated 148.8 billion lira in 2025, reflecting a 40.3% increase, while the energy sector, which has a 7.6% share, was allocated 110.2 billion lira, reflecting a 45.6% increase, with significant developments expected on a project basis in these sectors. Work is rapidly continuing on the Sakarya Natural Gas Field Development Project, which aims to produce 710 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the Black Sea and increase the production capacity of the field, with an allocation of 72.8 billion lira. For other natural gas and oil exploration and production activities aimed at reducing our dependence on foreign energy, an allocation of 67.9 billion lira was made.
The share of the health sector in the 2025 investments was realized at 9.6%.
In order to further improve the progress made in physical infrastructure, access to services, and service quality, the Ministry of Health has been allocated 121.1 billion lira with a 46.5% increase, and by 2025, 16,715 beds and 365 units will be put into service. In 2025, the construction of 16 city hospitals with a capacity of 18,450 beds will continue under the central government budget, and the projects of 5 hospitals with a capacity of 5,450 beds will be completed. To create more investment opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs and to increase production and employment, the Ministry of Industry and Technology has been allocated 23.3 billion lira with a 52.9% increase in the manufacturing industry sector. In this context, 10.8 billion lira has been allocated for organized industrial zone projects with a 101.5% increase, and 6.5 billion lira for small industrial site projects with a 195.3% increase.
In order to increase the country's R&D and innovation capacity, research support programs such as TÜBİTAK TARAL, research infrastructure projects in universities and public institutions, and the Research Universities Support Program have been allocated a budget with a 45% increase, totaling 31.7 billion lira. Additionally, in 2025, universities will be provided with an investment budget of 53.5 billion lira, reflecting a 51% increase, aimed at improving the quality of higher education, enhancing physical facilities, improving health infrastructure, and strengthening research infrastructure.