The case of the Newborn Gang, accused of causing the deaths of babies for unjust profit, continues from where it left off. The second hearing of the trial, in which 47 defendants are being tried for allegedly transferring emergency baby patients to the newborn units of private hospitals they had previously agreed upon, leading to their deaths and obtaining unjust profits, will be held today. In the hearing to be held at the conference hall of the Bakırköy 22nd High Criminal Court, it is expected that the defendants' defenses will continue to be taken. THE ALLEGATIONS ARE HAIR-CHILLINGThe allegations against the defendants in the case, which began on November 18, are hair-chilling. Among the accusations are transferring babies to intensive care units by going outside the 112 transfer chain, extending hospitalization periods to receive more money from SGK, causing deaths due to negligence, and selling medications that should be used in the hospital. THEY DENIED THE ALLEGATIONSIn the first hearing, the defendants denied the allegations related to baby deaths and occasionally shifted the blame onto each other. As a result of the investigations, it was determined that there was no on-duty doctor in the intensive care unit, that the work was left to the nurses, and that fake epikriz reports were written. FIRAT SARI: THEY TOLD ME TO COME AND DO ITDr. Fırat Sarı, accused of being the leader of the gang, stated in the first hearing, "I did not establish this system; they told me to come and do it." Gıyasettin Mert Özdemir, the ambulance driver who transferred babies by going outside the 112 transfer chain and obtained information from doctors about the number of intensive care patients, claimed that he reduced the transfer time. LICENSES OF 10 HOSPITALS REVOKEDDuring this process, the licenses of 9 hospitals in Istanbul and 1 hospital in Tekirdağ Çorlu were revoked. Trustees were appointed to the health institutions. PENALTIES SOUGHT FOR THE DEFENDANTSIn the indictment, a total of 177 years and 6 months to 582 years and 9 months of imprisonment is requested for defendants Fırat Sarı and İlker Gönen for "causing death by negligence" in the case of 10 baby deaths, "qualified fraud," and "establishing an organization for the purpose of committing a crime," as well as 11 counts of "forgery in official documents." Defendant Gıyasettin Mert Özdemir is also sought to be sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 180 years to 589 years and 9 months for "causing death by negligence," "unlawfully obtaining personal data," "fraud to the detriment of public institutions and organizations," "establishing an organization for the purpose of committing a crime," and "forgery in official documents." Additionally, similar prison sentences are foreseen for 44 defendants, 8 of whom are women. The indictment also requests that security measures specific to legal entities be applied to the responsible hospitals and companies that obtained material benefits through the crime of "fraud," and that these entities be closed and their assets seized. TRUSTEES APPOINTED TO HOSPITALSAs part of the investigation, the licenses of some hospitals in Istanbul and Tekirdağ Çorlu were revoked, and babies and patients receiving treatment in these hospitals were transferred to public hospitals by ambulances. Additionally, by the decision of the Büyükçekmece 1st Criminal Court of Peace, trustees from the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF) were appointed to 13 hospitals and 3 companies. In the new investigation launched regarding the "Newborn Gang," 11 suspects were arrested, 3 were subjected to judicial control, and 1 was released by the prosecutor's office. The investigation in this case is ongoing.