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People can't believe their ears when they hear it! They built a 4-story apartment and allocated 3 floors for cows.

People can't believe their ears when they hear it! They built a 4-story apartment and allocated 3 floors for cows.

17.09.2024 11:42

Gökhan Karadeniz, who lives in the Şalpazarı district of Trabzon, has established a farm with a 4-storey building that he built on steep and rugged terrain. Karadeniz allocated 3 floors of the building to his cows, while reserving the top floor for himself.

Gökhan Karadeniz (30), who lives in the Sinlice neighborhood of Şalpazarı district in Trabzon, wanted to expand the animal husbandry he learned from his parents in his village instead of starting his own business abroad after completing his natural gas technician degree at the university. Facing difficulties in finding land due to the terrain conditions, Karadeniz decided to build a 4-story building on a steep slope. Despite the reactions from the local residents when he first started digging, Karadeniz managed to build the 4-story building without paying attention to anyone.


The residents of the 4-story building, which was built like an apartment, are cows. Karadeniz allocated the first floor of the building for fattening cattle and the second floor for milking and calves. The third floor of the building is used as a hayloft. Karadeniz reserved the top floor for himself, and his closest neighbors became the beloved animals. Karadeniz's success in animal husbandry in a short period of time also served as an example to the local people, and he revived small and large-scale animal husbandry that was on the verge of extinction.

People can't believe their ears! Built a 4-story building and allocated 3 floors to cows


Gökhan Karadeniz, who built a 4-story building, said that the building has an interesting story. Karadeniz stated that his closest neighbors are animals. Karadeniz said, "We are engaged in animal husbandry. We used to have family businesses before, but they were small and hobby-like at that time. We wanted to fully engage in this business in 2017. We started building here in 2017 and moved in 2018. We have been continuing this business since then. A 4-story building actually has an interesting story. It was a problem due to the difficult and steep terrain. Because we really wanted to do this job, we resorted to this solution. It turned out to be beautiful. We allocated the first floor for fattening animals. We arranged it for them. The second floor is for milking cows and calves. We use the third floor as a hayloft and feed trough. We built a house for ourselves on the fourth floor. Of course, we didn't leave it empty. We established a business in that way. It turned out well."

People can't believe their ears! Built a 4-story building and allocated 3 floors to cows


Karadeniz, who received interesting reactions from the surroundings, said, "What are you doing there? Since the foundations covered a large area, it was always a matter of curiosity. We received many criticisms like 'Are you building a school, a wedding hall, or a government office?' No, we said we are building a farm. Actually, everyone was curious. For example, some people thought that the farm could rot the building. Actually, we took precautions for all of them. We poured concrete accordingly. We gave the heights accordingly. We made another concrete pouring on top of the concrete. Currently, our pillars and columns are healthy, and we built a solid building. We didn't neglect any details. It was costly for us, but there was nothing else we could do. The land allowed us to do this much. Our facility has a capacity of 75. Actually, it's normal, but currently, half of it is full and half is empty. The reason for this is that we switched to a different breed last year. We had animal sales during that time. We turned to different sizes. And we continue with our current animals. We have around 30 animals. The numbers will increase in the future. Livestock farming has a system of filling and emptying."

People can't believe their ears! Built a 4-story building and allocated 3 floors to cows


Karadeniz, who is a natural gas technician and graduated at the top of his class, said, "Animals give a different feeling to people. Because being with them, being close to them, their smell doesn't bother us. Because they have a unique smell. If you ask me whether I prefer the smell of humans or animals, I would choose the smell of animals. I have a 2-year degree in natural gas. Actually, I finished the program as the top student. My family pushed me into this sector. When we entered this sector, animal husbandry was on the verge of extinction in this region. Everyone was giving up animal husbandry because the land was limited. Someone had to bring vitality to the region. Actually, we achieved that. We believe that we have changed some good or bad things. As technology advances, animal husbandry also starts to gain better dimensions. We are thinking of building a better facility. We have initiatives. Hopefully, there will be more beautiful ones in the region. Trade is good, and animal husbandry is a profession that requires patience. You have to be patient in animal husbandry. You are patient, you earn. You may think that you are losing money one year, but animal husbandry makes up for that difference. We made money, and we continue to make money. We will continue to make money, God willing. Because now production has ended, and no one wants to produce. Everyone turned to ready-made. Since we are on the producer side, we always believe that we will earn."

People can't believe their ears! Built a 4-story building and allocated 3 floors to cows


Emircan Topal (19), the nephew of Gökhan Karadeniz, who does animal husbandry in the 4-story building, said, "After finishing high school, I came to my uncle and started working in this facility. I chose to work here instead of working in a factory or somewhere else for 40 years. I saw the future in this place. I want to expand this place. I wake up early in the morning and feed the animals. I clean. That's how my days go. I have been involved in this business since I was a child. When my uncle started building this building, I didn't believe it. I didn't think we would progress this much. I saw that it was very different when I got involved in the business."

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