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President Erdogan: Israel now sets its sights on Lebanon.

President Erdogan: Israel now sets its sights on Lebanon.

27.06.2024 20:59

Speaking at the AK Party Group Meeting, President Erdogan stated, "Israel has set its sights on Lebanon, Netanyahu's plan to spread the war to the region will lead to a great disaster."

President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdogan made important statements on the agenda at his party's Parliamentary Group Meeting.

Erdogan said about the escalating tension between Israel and Lebanon, "It is understood that Israel, which burned and destroyed Gaza, now has its eyes on Lebanon. I openly say that Netanyahu's plans to spread the war to the region with the consent of the West will lead to a great disaster. The Islamic world and brotherly countries in the Middle East should react before the West to these bloody plans."

Erdogan stated the following in his speech;

"During the Eid al-Adha, we congratulated the leaders of the leading countries of the Islamic world on behalf of our nation and tried to find a remedy for our bleeding wounds in Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan, and other places. As in previous holidays, Israel continued to shed blood and bomb children and civilians. Hundreds of Palestinian brothers and sisters who are struggling to survive in tents and rubble have been martyred due to Israel's inhumane attacks. Once again, I remember with mercy more than 38,000 Palestinian martyrs who fell victim to Israeli barbarism and wish urgent healing to our injured brothers and sisters. The photograph of the children of Gaza whose skin sticks to their backs because they cannot find a morsel of bread to eat will be written in the book of shame of the modern world. This photograph will be remembered with pain not only as the bankruptcy of the global system but also as a symbol of the helplessness of the Islamic world. Just as our ancestors have always stood up for Palestine throughout history, just as Yavuz Sultan Selim, Sultan Abdulhamid stood up for Palestine, just as the Republic of Turkey has stood up for Palestine since its establishment, we are and will continue to stand up for Palestine with the same spirit, determination, and courage."


Some people may speak differently in Europe, which they see as the gateway to their political careers in Turkey, some may try to throw mud at the resistance in Palestine to receive praise from their Western masters and to appear cute in their eyes. But we will speak the truth inside and outside, defend the truth, stand with the innocent and firmly against the killers. No one should expect us to bow to the pressures of the global Zionist network or to button up against the oppressors. During our visits to Spain and Italy just before the Eid al-Adha, we brought up the persecution of our Gazan brothers and sisters. We clearly stated that as long as the occupation and massacre policy continues in Palestine, no place in the world will be safe. We emphasized that the most effective response to Israel's arrogance and lawlessness is the recognition of the State of Palestine. We hope that the conscientious attitude displayed by Norway, Ireland, and Slovenia will set an example for the whole of Europe. We are pleased with Armenia's decision to recognize the State of Palestine under the leadership of Prime Minister Mr. Pashinyan. I emphasize that the recent decisions announced, especially the increasing recognition steps to 149, are very important. We will continue our contacts to ensure that more countries recognize Palestine."


I also have to make this warning here; It is understood that Israel, which burned and destroyed Gaza, now has its eyes on Lebanon. We see that Western powers pat Israel on the back behind the scenes, even though they speak differently in front of the cameras. It is extremely alarming and pitiful for states that speak of freedom, human rights, and justice to be captives of a lunatic like Netanyahu. I openly say that Netanyahu's plans to spread the war to the region with the consent of the West will lead to a great disaster. The Islamic world and brotherly countries in the Middle East should react before the West to these bloody plans. However, we sadly observe that the Islamic world is acting as if dead soil has been spread over it. We should not give them this opportunity. Turkey stands by the brotherly Lebanese people and state. I invite other countries in the region to stand in solidarity with Lebanon as well.


With the Eid holiday being 9 days long, our citizens traveled to their hometowns and holiday destinations. The number of intercity bus trips alone reached 108,000. Thanks to these trips, 3,782,000 of our people reunited with their loved ones. The number of people traveling by railways is approaching 7,520,000. The number of vehicles using our highways exceeded 21 million. There were 94,454 vehicle crossings from the Eurasia Tunnel, which connects Asia and Europe, on the last day of the holiday. Istanbul, Antalya, and many other international airports broke new records in terms of passenger and flight numbers during the holiday. The same success applies to our other projects such as Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge and Orhan Gazi Bridge. We have received and continue to receive much more than the value of transportation investments that we have put into service in order to bring distant places closer, bring loved ones together, and provide our citizens with safe, peaceful, and comfortable travel opportunities. We will not listen to the ignorant who oppose investments by saying "will the nation eat roads". We will continue to weave the four corners of our country with iron nets, roads, highways, viaducts, bridges, tunnels, underpasses, and overpasses. Unfortunately, despite the measures we have taken and the massive investments we have made, we cannot completely prevent accidents. In the 7,216 traffic accidents that occurred during the Eid al-Adha holiday, 72 of our people lost their lives, and 12,474 people were injured. I extend my condolences to all our brothers and sisters who lost their lives in accidents and wish urgent healing to the injured.


The stubble fire that broke out in Diyarbakir Cinar and Mardin Mazidagi on June 20 Thursday has touched the hearts of all of us as a nation. I wish mercy from Allah to our citizens who lost their lives in the fire that spread to a wide area in a very short time due to the effect of the wind, and I wish urgent healing to our injured brothers and sisters. We once again convey our get well wishes to our brothers and sisters from Mardin and Diyarbakir. All relevant institutions of our state mobilized from the very beginning to extinguish the fire, and whatever was necessary was done in terms of intervention in the fire. Although the responsibility for intervention in the fire primarily belongs to metropolitan municipalities and they did not fulfill their duties, our ministry and provincial governors quickly intervened in the incident. The necessary processes regarding the healing of wounds and compensation for the damage continue. Our state has started to provide material support with emergency aid allowance. The causes of the fire will be revealed in a way that leaves no room for any question mark as a result of judicial and administrative investigations.We leave those who criticize the tragedy in which we lost 15 people to Allah and the conscience of our nation. We are facing such political opportunism that we need to talk about them. On one hand, our state is working tirelessly with all its institutions, air and land vehicles to extinguish the fire. On the other hand, you see a handful of shroud thieves shamelessly competing to grab logs from the flood. Excuse me, but this is called political opportunism. It is exploiting the pain, distress, and heartache of the people.


The disgrace displayed by the DEM Party provocateurs at the funeral home in Mardin has shown how devoid they are of the values of the people. The wise and calm attitude of our Mardin governor and the hosts who lost their loved ones in the fire has prevented a very ugly provocation. The fact that they are actually representatives of whom is revealed not only in the disasters that befall us but also in the sports competitions where we unite as a nation. The attempts of these bloodless people belonging to this mentality to play with the nerves of the people after the Portugal match in the European Football Championship, where 85 million people united, are by no means innocent. But no matter what they do, they cannot break the unity of our nation. No matter how dirty they get, they cannot harm our social cohesion. As the AK Party, we did not leave the foot soldiers and hired militants of Kandil alone, and with the permission of Allah, we will not leave them alone in the future either. We will continue to make the troublemakers who despair in the face of Turkey's achievements suffer new defeats.

"Our National Football Team made a great start to the tournament by defeating Georgia 3-1. Unfortunately, we got a result against Portugal that we did not deserve at all. I believe that our national team will achieve a historic victory that will make 85 million proud against the Czech Republic tonight. I wish our lions success in the Czech Republic match and I pray that God does not let them stumble. Tonight, we will be with our prayers, united as 85 million, supporting our National Football Team."


For nearly half a century, as the AK Party, we have been striving to serve Turkey and our esteemed nation through politics, which we are proud to be a part of. We work day and night for Turkey to grow, for the Republic of Turkey to be perpetually standing. We sweat and run to give peace to the oppressed hearts, to proudly wave our flag, the symbol of our independence. We see each of the 85 million as our brother, comrade, and fate partner. Look, I have said it many times before, but I want to emphasize it again today. Since its establishment, the AK Party has never been on the side of polarization, division, or tension politics. We embraced Turkey with all its 81 provinces and 85 million citizens as a whole. We have never discriminated in our politics, language, services, or works. For us, there is no difference between the east and the west, the north and the south. While producing services with the authority we received from the people, we did not care about the language, color, belief, origin, or lifestyle of our citizens. While taking services and investments to every corner of our country, we did not care whether they voted for us or not. Our politics is people-centered politics. The fact that the AK Party has been receiving intense support from our people in every election since November 2002 is a result of this unifying politics, brotherhood politics, and politics of service and achievement.


We have received attention from our people not through polarization, division, or discrimination, but through integration, unity, and closeness, instead of tension politics. On the contrary, the AK Party has always been the target and victim of divisive, polarizing, and divisive politics in Turkey. They wrote coup scenarios against us. They wanted to give us a memorandum on April 27. They targeted us at the Republic rallies. We were the target of the Gezi vandalism. They wanted to stage a judicial coup against us on December 17-25. They directly targeted us on July 15. We have always been the target of both separatist terrorism and FETÖ. In the past 22 years, we have experienced many betrayals, coups, and attempts at tutelage, just like these. In all these attacks, the main opposition party did not stand by us, did not stand by the law, democracy, or even politics. Look back and you will see that the main opposition stood by, supported, and even incited every attack against the AK Party. You will see that they are trying to survive by dividing Turkey into camps and polarizing it. You will see that they provided political protection to all democracy enemies, from FETÖ traitors to Gezi vandals. You will see that they did not hesitate to play with the fault lines of society for their political interests, just like in the May 14-28 elections.


I want to emphasize one thing here, our efforts to soften, as our counterparts put it, in politics is actually an effort to normalize the opposition. It is the opposition that will open clenched fists. It is the opposition that will sheathe the daggers. It is the opposition that will correct its language, discourse, and political style. In other words, it is the opposition that needs to soften and normalize. Do not misunderstand our steps to reduce the political tension that has increased due to the three consecutive elections in the past year. Look, let it be known between the ruling party and the main opposition party, there can be no political alliance. There can be compromise, normalization, softening, but no alliance. Because an alliance between the ruling party and the main opposition is contrary to the nature of politics, democracy, and the multiparty system. We are not making such an effort anyway. We are trying to achieve a common perspective, a common feeling on issues related to our country, our nation, and the security of our state, which we believe should be kept out of daily political debates. We are making efforts to strengthen the internal front in civil and libertarian constitution, fight against terrorism, and foreign policy, which are national issues. We are standing where we stand. From the opposition, we expect them to approach where we stand, which is tolerance, unifying language, embracing politics, and policies that prioritize the state and the nation.


Despite all our sincerity and good intentions, you can all see how the opposition responds to our efforts. The whole nation sees it. While we try to act constructively for the interests of our country and our nation, we see how the leader of the CHP tries to drag politics into tension by going beyond the norms of courtesy.During our recent visit, it has been observed that everyone is following the constant increase in the noise that started just 2 days after our visit. It is clear that the people we are facing have a serious digestion problem. Let no one forget that we have been walking this path for 22 years with our friends, sometimes alone and sometimes with sincere friends. Throughout these 22 years, we have not seen tolerance or courtesy from the CHP. We have not lost anything thanks to Allah. Today, we are not pursuing a political gain either. We want the CHP to stop its tension politics. We want normalization, peace with national will, and our nation and democracy to benefit from it. Our desire to give a chance to dialogue does not mean that we will accept insolence towards our party, government, and the People's Alliance. Being polite does not mean that we will tolerate rudeness. We are soft-hearted, but no one should forget that we are not submissive sheep. Now they are constantly talking about being partners in crime. I just want to say this to them; those who are looking for a partner in crime should not bother themselves too much, they should look at the money towers whose origins and current destinations they cannot fully explain. Before criticizing us or slandering us, those who are looking for a partner in crime should question who they walked with in the so-called urban consensus. "


You see, we are particularly careful not to engage in dual disputes that do not benefit the country and the nation. We expect the opposition to behave constructively, to adhere to minimum political courtesy, and to normalize by abandoning their old habits. The dialogue process should not be sacrificed to internal power struggles. We are at ease, and we are open to any positive criticism from the opposition. But we will not tolerate inappropriate statements that cross the boundaries of criticism. We will not hesitate to respond in kind.

If someone's partnership search is to take a share from AK Party's 22 years of service, achievements, investments, and reform legacy filled with records, we apologize, but we will not share our success story with anyone. While we lift bans, those who run to the Constitutional Court to cancel them, those who come up with absurd excuses to oppose each of our monumental projects, those who do not have a single stone to show in Turkey, those who support street incidents that target national will, in short, those who constantly try to obstruct AK Party's service and reform politics for the past 22 years, we will not easily give them an advantage. These are not achievements that can be obtained with just two photographs. Behind each one, there are 22 years of effort, struggle, and sweat.


The People's Alliance, which is based on the sacrifices of our martyrs during the July 15 coup attempt, has become the guarantee of Turkey's survival. For the past 8 years, we have been walking shoulder to shoulder with our alliance partner, the Nationalist Movement Party, who shares the same feelings and emotions for our country and our nation. Although the People's Alliance is formed by the coming together of different political parties, it is one for Turkey, one for our nation, one heart, one soul, one body. Any attack on a member of the People's Alliance is a direct attack on the unity, integrity, and harmony of the People's Alliance. We will not accept these attacks. We will not tolerate these attacks, we will not give way. We are aware of the game being played. We know very well what is intended with the reputation assassins, the dignity executioners, and the trigger pens of FETO with blood-sucking lice. "


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