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Saliha Aydeniz, a member of the CHP party, attended the funeral of a PKK terrorist.

Saliha Aydeniz, a member of the CHP party, attended the funeral of a PKK terrorist.

27.06.2024 21:21

Among those who attended the funeral of terrorist Sultan Dağ, who was neutralized in an operation carried out in the past few days and classified as red category, is Saliha Aydeniz, the DEM Party Member of Parliament from Mardin.

Funeral ceremony was held in Mardin yesterday evening for Sultan Dağ, one of the terrorists killed in the operation organized in Batman in the scope of Bozdoğan-45 operations. It was observed that DEM Party Mardin Deputy Saliha Aydeniz was also among the attendees of the terrorist's funeral.


In 2019, Saliha Aydeniz, one of the HDP deputies who wanted to march without permission in Van, bit the arm of a female police officer who was trying to take her banner. Aydeniz had also punched another police officer before biting the arm of the police officer.

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