The latest survey conducted by the AK Party regarding young people was discussed in the recent Central Decision-Making Board (MYK) meeting. In the field study conducted by the Youth Branch Presidency, when asked the question "How do you identify yourself?", young people overwhelmingly answered "Atatürkist", followed by the answer "Nationalist" in second place. COMMENT FROM MYK MEMBER ANGERED ERDOĞANAccording to a news article in Türkiye newspaper, the survey was brought up in the MYK meeting held the other day. It is claimed that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan got very angry and upset when a MYK member said, "Let's change our political identity. Let's move away from our conservative-democrat identity." "WE NEED TO EXPLAIN OUR ACHIEVEMENTS BETTER"Furthermore, the surveys also revealed that among young people aged 18-30, Erdoğan's approval rating is higher than that of former CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. It was reported that Erdoğan said, "We don't have any problem with recognition. We need to explain our achievements better to our young people." NEW JOININGS TO AK PARTYIt is also stated that at least 15 mayors and two members of parliament will join the AK Party during the 23rd anniversary celebration program to be held today. It is also mentioned that Erdoğan has opened the door to other politicians who want to join the party. It is speculated that this number will increase in the coming days. Erdoğan stated, "We have come this far not by excluding and keeping people outside, but by embracing them. We have kept our doors open to anyone who has a passion to serve the country and the nation. Our will to come together with everyone who will strengthen the movement around common values is still the same as it was yesterday." NEW REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE ESTABLISHEDDuring the meeting, a series of decisions were made regarding AK Party's foreign representations. Some foreign representatives will be replaced, and it was decided to establish new representations in countries with a high Turkish population in Europe. The number of representations in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Northern Cyprus, and the USA, which is currently five, will be increased to eight. It was also decided to expand the "Cemre Project" carried out by the Environment, City, and Culture Presidency and transform it into the Cemre Foundation to provide services in areas such as environmental awareness and disaster management.