The lifeless body of a man was found in the restroom of a shopping mall in the İzmit district of Kocaeli. DEAD BODY FOUND IN MALL'S RESTROOMThe incident took place in the restroom section of 41 Burda Shopping Mall located on Ömer Türkçakal Boulevard in the İzmit district. According to the information received, citizens who saw the motionless man lying in the mall's restrooms reported it to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Health and police teams were dispatched to the scene upon the notification. IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL COULD NOT BE DETERMINEDHealth teams who arrived at the scene quickly determined that the man lying motionless on the ground had passed away. Upon this, crime scene investigation teams also arrived and conducted an examination. While the identity of the deceased individual has not yet been determined, an investigation has been initiated regarding the incident.